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Mitigation of climate change effects in Godavari River Basin through forestry interventions

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Augmenting climate change mitigation and forestry financing through social innovation: the case of Malawi and the Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Various studies suggest that the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris Agreement will depend on how cities in Africa manage climate change and deforestation. For example, over 70% of greenhouse gas emissions are associated with urban areas and countries such as Malawi consumes no less than 1,708,074 m3 of natural forest wood annually in-order to facilitate the construction of houses. Unfortunately, Africa is one of the least studied regions in terms of biodiversity dynamics and climate variability hence lacks strategies to protect and sustainably utilise forest resources for national development. Social innovation (SI) practices can promote socio-economic development by bringing about changes in the way social agents act and interact with each other through the creation of new institutions and new social systems. The United Nations One Planet Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme piloted the “Polycentric Infrastructure and Community Development Paradigm for Sustainable Urban Transitions (PICD-SUT)” framework in Malawi in order to demonstrate how SI can augment carbon sequestration and mobilise climate finance through rentals from housing developments. This exploratory study aims to expound on how the implementation of the PICD-SUT framework can enable cities African cities to utilise SI as a strategy to augment sustainable forest management practices and improve forestry sector financing. The methodology used included analyses of research articles and case studies. The paper discovered that SI can reduce public sector budget deficits for forestry programmes by providing alternative sources for financing community forest management initiatives. It was therefore concluded that transformative forest management policies should incorporate SI strategies as a means for enhancing partnerships and technology transfers for improved forest management between communities and non-state actors. Keywords: Climate Change, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Urbanisation ID: 3623738
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    Forest bioeconomy as an engine for sustainable development, water resources management and mitigation of the effects of climate change
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Brazil presents a great opportunity for the development of the bioeconomy, based on the management of natural forests, especially public forests, as well as the integration of the forestry component into agricultural systems, especially in private areas. Related to the management of natural forests, the importance of expanding the use of biodiversity products, especially non-timber, in a sustainable manner and with technological innovation, is highlighted. Currently, just 10 products accounts for more than 90% of non-timber forest production from native forests. A potential that is still underutilized, especially if we consider the Amazon biome. With regards to the integration of the forestry component into agricultural systems, the various forms of production developed around the world stand out, which are important alternatives for water conservation, sustainable development and mitigation of the effects of climate change. In Brazil, the Forest Law differentiates areas occupied by family farmers or traditional peoples and communities, encouraging the practice of agroforestry systems in Legal Reserve areas, as longer as they do not deviate from the existing vegetation cover and do not harm the environment. Therefore, agroforestry systems are presented as an alternative for their potential for income generation, water conservation, among other environmental services. In this sense, several practices are discussed around the world, such as: “domestic forest”, “forest gardens”, “climate smart agriculture” and “integrated landscape management. In general, it is observed that Brazil presents a great opportunity for the development of the bioeconomy, from the management of natural forests and the integration of the forest component to agricultural systems. Finally, these development opportunities for the Forest Bioeconomy stand out as paths for Sustainable Development, Water Resources Management and the Mitigation of the Effects of Climate Change. Keywords: Adaptive and integrated management, Sustainable forest management, Economic Development, Climate change, Agriculture. ID: 3623981
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    Forest landscapes restoration measures as a cost effective solution for climate change mitigation and adaptation in India
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Global deforestation and forest degradation have led to massive loss of biodiversity. Hence, it is important not only to protect but also restore the forest ecosystems. Forest biodiversity protection, biomass production and climate change mitigation and adaptation are important key motivation for forest restoration. Tree-based landscape restoration is a widely accepted cost-effective measure to combat climate change. India’s commitment of Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement is to sequester additional 2.5 to 3 billion tons CO2 equivalent by 2030 through increased forest and tree cover and this ties in with the Bonn Challenge commitment to restore 21 mha of deforested and degraded lands by 2030 (now increased to 26 mha during UNCCD COP 14 meeting held in Sept. 2019) as well as the SDGs. This commitment can only be met if existing forests are protected and improved and tree cover is extended by 25 to 30 mha. The main objectives of the Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in India is to reverse the process of degradation of forests & improve its productive potential, improve the regeneration of native flora & enrich the biodiversity, and enhance biomass production, carbon stocks & incomes of the rural households. For a successful FLR works in India, focus needs to be on proactive involvement of communities and local people, better coordination among the various government agencies and departments for effective implementation of project activities, robust Institutional mechanism, and continuous fund flow and support to sustain the activities and keep the restored areas intact. Here, we present how India can achieve the NDC and Bonn Challenge through forest landscape restoration. Potential to increase forest and tree cover and the carbon sequestration that can be achieved has been discussed. This will support planning for landscape restoration through the past and on-going initiatives which identifies different types of interventions implemented. Keywords: Deforestation and forest degradation; Climate change; Biodiversity conservation; Research; Landscape management ID: 3469382

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