One Health in Agrifood System Transformation Fund | FAO | | | 2022 | | | 2022-08-06T14:54:38.0000000Z | |
dc.description.abstract | A brochure promoting FAO's One Health Programme Fund, aiming to boost One Health in Agrifood systems transformation at national and strategic levels. The brochure begins with a brief introduction about what One Health means, its benefits and how to apply a One Health approach in practical terms, providing some key facts and figures. The publication explains how FAO’s One Health in Agrifood systems work fits into the wider FAO strategic framework goals and aligns with both the One Health Priority Programme Area (OH PPA) and the Quadripartite's One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA). Expected results relate directly to several sustainable development goals (SDG's) and the OH PPA, organized around five pillars; improved early warning systems, better biosecurity for pest and disease management, more effective emergency preparedness and response, improved antimicrobial resistance (AMR) risk management and enhanced One Health systems. The Programme Fund aims to support 20 countries and the brochure is designed to act as an advocacy tool for policy-makers, decision-makers, and resource partners, encouraging them to become partners in this important work and emphasising the added value of the One Health approach for much-needed agrifood systems transformation. By investing in this fund, partners can help ensure FAO with key allies, including the Quadripartite, are able to offer an integrated package of support to countries, which can then be scaled up to other countries and know-how for One Health shared internationally. | |
dc.format.numberofpages | 8p. | |
dc.identifier.url | | |
dc.language.iso | English | |
dc.publisher | FAO ; | |
dc.rights.copyright | FAO | |
dc.title | One Health in Agrifood System Transformation Fund | |
dc.title.subtitle | Safeguarding human, animal, plant and ecosystem health | |
dc.type | Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet | |
fao.altmetricbadge | No | |
fao.contentcategory | General interest | |
fao.fourbetters | A Better Production; Amélioration de la production; Una mejor producción; улучшение производства; 更好生产; إنتاج أفضل | |
fao.identifier.jobnumber | CC0764EN | |
fao.identifier.uri | | |
fao.placeofpublication | Rome, Italy ; | |
fao.sdgs | 01. End poverty in all its forms everywhere | |
fao.sdgs | 03. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages | |
fao.sdgs | "15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | agrifood systems | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | One Health approach | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | investment | |
fao.visibilitytype | PUBLIC PROMOTION |
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