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Urban food systems governance

Current context and future opportunities

​Tefft, J., Jonasova, M., Zhang, F. and Zhang, Y. 2020. Urban food systems governance –  Current context and future opportunities. Rome, FAO and The World Bank.  

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    Urban food system assessments for nutrition and healthy diets
    Technical guidance note
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    An important part of FAO’s work involves the development and uptake of assessment tools that can help improve understanding of the characteristics, dynamics and constraints of food systems. Recent efforts have focused on supporting national and subnational governments and food system stakeholders in urban settings. Numerous tools, methodologies and guiding principles are available in the broad technical areas of food supply chains, cityregion food systems and value chains, to assess the contribution of food systems for the eradication of hunger. However, there is a dearth of resources that place primary focus on navigating food systems for outcomes related to nutrition – in particular, healthy diets. The technical guidance note addresses this gap, taking inspiration from existing resources on food security and nutrition to propose an integrated approach towards assessing food systems for healthy diets in the context of urban areas. The note begins by elaborating the need to operationalize conceptual frameworks on food systems in order to enable evidenceinformed policy and programme design, and support a food systems transformation agenda focused on nutrition and healthy diets. The second, and main, part of the note presents the Urban Food System Assessments for Nutrition (UFSAN) Tool, providing an overview of its conceptual basis, key features and a step-wise guide to its implementation.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Urban food systems and COVID-19
    The role of cities and local governments in responding to the emergency
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    Cities, with their high population density, are particularly vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic and many cities in developing countries do not have adequate capacity to address the disruptions caused by the response to the health emergency. The risk is particularly high for the 1.2 billion people living in the congested and overcrowded informal urban settlements where conditions are already unsafe and unhealthy for human living. The very poor and those living in slums have extremely limited access to essential health and sanitation facilities, nutritious food and adequate infrastructure such as piped clean water and electricity. The spread of the virus in crowded cities could have extensive morbidity and mortality consequences for urban populations. The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting urban food systems worldwide, posing a number of challenges for cities and local governments that are obliged to deal with rapid changes in food availability, accessibility and affordability – which strongly impact the food security and nutrition situation of urban populations. The majority of the urban population in developing countries relies on informal sector activities and casual labour including those related to food systems (street food vendors and those working in wet markets) and have access to limited or no assets or savings. Policies to limit the effects of the virus such as lockdowns, or physical distancing can spell disaster for the livelihoods of those individuals and their families leading, inter alia, to food insecurity and deficient nutrition.

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