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Dimitra newsletter no 23, 2013

Gender, rural women and development

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    Dimitra newsletter no 24, 2013
    Gender, rural women and development
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    The first Dimitra Community Listeners’ Clubs Forum for Tshopo District was held on 9-10 August 2013 in Isangi, in the Orientale Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It offered a unique opportunity to meet, discuss and share experiences to the women and men representatives of 60 Dimitra community listeners’ clubs (CLCs), seven community radios and various key actors, closely or loosely linked to the CLCs. The clubs have been set up in barely a year, in the framework of a ge nder-sensitive project to fight poverty and improve food security, implemented by FAO and financed by the Government of the DRC and by IFAD. This article talks about the Forum and provides some data and anecdotes which highlight the successful wager made by those who opted to bet on this innovative approach.
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    Dimitra Newsletter no 8, 2003
    Rural women and development
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    Dimitra Newsletter, Gender, Rural Women and Development - Issue 26, January 2015 2014
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    This edition opens with a critical issue: the Ebola crisis and how Dimi - tra clubs are helping contain the threat of the epidemic in Senegal. The Dimitra approach not only allows to inform and raise awareness in rural communities, but above all ensures a space for communication, where everyone can express their concerns and strengthen their capacities to respond to crises or harness themselves against threats, like a possible out -break of Ebola. The Dimitra approach proved also effective this way in Niger, for example, where 240 new clubs were put in place as part of the struggle against the effects of climate change

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