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Proceedings from the FAO-IILA OPEN HOUSE on Climate Change

Challenges in agriculture in Latin America

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    Actas del FAO-IILA OPEN HOUSE sobre el Cambio Climático
    Desafíos en la agricultura en América Latina
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    El evento "Open House" fue facilitado profesionalmente y estructurado en forma interactiva e integradora, permitiendo el diálogo entre instituciones latinoamericanas e italianas para el intercambio de informaciones y conocimientos y para encontrar áreas comunes de colaboración, con el fin de desarrollar ideas de proyectos para apoyar a la FAO en la lucha contra el hambre superando los nuevos desafíos causados por el cambio climático. Además, este evento brindó la oportunidad de explorar el enfoque del programa de Sistemas de Patrimonio Agrícola de Interés Mundial (SIPAM) de la FAO así como las experiencias y posibilidades que ofrecen en tal contexto. El evento consistió en una reunión que se llevó a cabo el primer día y una excursión al campus de la Universidad de Tuscia, en Viterbo que tuvo lugar el segundo día. Al taller asistieron 51 participantes, incluyendo representantes de cuatro universidades (Roma La Sapienza, Roma Tre, La Tuscia de Viterbo y la Universidad de Florencia), seis instituciones latinoamericanas (Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, México, Panamá y El Salvador), los sectores gubernamentales e instituciones de investigación italianos (CNR, CREA y ENEA) y los departamentos técnicos, incluyendo el Departamento Forestal y el Departamento de Clima, Biodiversidad, de Tierras y Aguas. La Sra. Maria Florencia Paoloni, Secretaria científica de IILA, el Sr. René Castro Salazar, Subdirector General del Departamento de Clima Biodiversidad, Tierra y Agua de la FAO y el Sr. Davide Bradanini, Primer Secretario, Representación Permanente de la Republica de Italia ante la FAO, ofrecieron los discursos de apertura del taller.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Regional Dialogue on Biodiversity Mainstreaming across Agricultural Sectors in the Near East and North Africa Region
    Main recommendations
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    The Regional Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on Mainstreaming Biodiversity across Agricultural Sectors (Regional Dialogue) calls for the adoption of “biodiversity-friendly” practices in agriculture. This document reports on the recommendations raised by the multi-stakeholder participants at the Regional Dialogue that took place in Amman, Jordan, on 3-5 Nov 2019. The meeting gathered about 80 participants from 15 out of the 18 countries of the region, with a balanced mix between Ministries of Agriculture and Ministries of Environment, regional and international research institutions, UN Organizations, NGOs, private sector, and civil society. The meeting was hosted and opened by the Minister of Agriculture and Environment of Jordan, while keynote speeches were addressed by Assistant Director-General and Director of Climate, Biodiversity, Land and Water Department Mr Castro-Salazar, H.R.H. Princess Basma Bint Ali, Head of the National Committee of Biodiversity, Jordan, and the Director General of the Jordanian Agricultural Research Center, H.E. Nizar Haddad. The primary objective of the Dialogue was to review the draft FAO Strategy on Biodiversity Mainstreaming across Agricultural Sectors, and provide FAO with a regional perspective on the proposed strategy. In addition, the meeting was an opportunity to make progress in the following areas: • Increase awareness about the importance of biodiversity mainstreaming across the agricultural sectors within the Region; • Exchange knowledge, experiences, and lessons learned (including gaps and challenges) on biodiversity mainstreaming among countries within the Region; • Identify areas for action across sectors and priorities at the regional and country level.
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    Seed multiplication by resource-limited farmers
    Proceedings of the Latin American Workshop - Goiânia, Brazil, 7–11 April 2003
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    FAO, through its Seed and Plant Genetics Resources Service, is conducting a series of expert consultations, workshops and conferences to generate ideas, develop methodologies and facilitate initiatives aimed at strengthening on-farm seed multiplication (the informal seed system), thereby addressing the seed security needs of smallholder farmers. As in sub-Saharan Africa, the informal seed system in Latin America receives inadequate attention from policy-makers and is not accorded the importance it deserves in the agricultural production system. The fact that Latin America is also faced with most of the inequities in the informal seed sector and, in particular, constraints in the conduct and effectiveness of on-farm seed multiplication was amply borne out during a one-day round table organized by FAO in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, with the collaboration of the Pan American Seed Congress. In line with the recommendations of that meeting, FAO, with funding from the Netherlands, orga nized the Latin American Workshop on Seed Multiplication by Resource-limited Farmers to identify the major constraints facing on-farm seed production and the groups of resource-limited farmers to be targeted, and to propose solutions for increasing the availability of good quality seed to smallholder farmers. These proceedings should serve both as a good record of the workshop and as a guide towards the development of interventions by Latin American governments, as well as by national and intern ational institutions and agencies that may desire to assist further in this topic.

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