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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetEstablishment of a preliminary network of community seed banks in vulnerable regions of Guatemala to provide seed in the event of a natural disaster 2011
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No results found.For more information, visit the ITPGRFA website . This BSF project will promote in situ and ex situ conservation of agricultural biodiversity and build synergies between Universities, the National Institute for Agricultural Research, NGOs, women’s associations, farmers groups and international organizations. -
Book (stand-alone)Community Diversity Seed Fairs in Tanzania - Guidelines for seed fairs 2006
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No results found.This document reports on four community seed diversity fairs that were held in the United Republic of Tanzania: two in the central zone, at Dabalo and Misughaa villages, covering Dodoma and Singida regions, respectively; and two in the southern highlands, at Shinji and Malinzanga villages, covering Ileje and Iringa districts, respectively. In order to make these seed fairs affordable for the rural communities, they were organized on a small scale at the village level, with farmers from the village displaying the diversity of their crops. Based on the wealth of local crop varieties available in the villages, the seed fairs focused on improved and local crop diversity in the three categories of staple, neglected and collected crops. Hybrid seeds were also exhibited, but these were not the main focus of the seed fairs because they are not important crops in the semi-arid climatic conditions of the areas concerned; during the planning session it had been decided that fa rmers should display what they actually grow in their fields.
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