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Report of the National Workshop on Micro-enterprise Development in Coastal Communities in the Philippines: Sharing of Experiences and Lessons Learned. Davao City, Philippines, 7-11 March 2006

FAO. Report of the National Workshop on Micro-enterprise Development in Coastal Communities in the Philippines: Sharing of Experiences and Lessons Learned. Davao City, Philippines, 7–10 March 2006. FAO Fisheries Report. No. 850. Rome, FAO. 2007. 112p.

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    Book (series)
    Livelihood and micro-enterprise development opportunities for women in coastal fishing communities in India – Case studies of Orissa and Maharashtra. 2007
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    The studies on livelihood and micro-enterprise development opportunities for women in coastal fishing communities in India are a follow-up to the national workshop on best practices in microfinance programmes for women in coastal fishing communities in India, held in Panaji, Goa, India, from 1 to 4 July 2003. The proceedings and outcomes of the workshop are reported in FAO Fisheries Report No. 724. The studies found that poverty has remained a serious problem in fishing communities in Orissa and Maharashtra, made even more severe by the widespread absence of rural infrastructure and services such as safe drinking water, electricity, waste and sewage disposal facilities, health care and educational services and facilities, all-weather link roads as well as a lack of adequate housing facilities. Over the last two decades, fishing effort and the cost of fishing have considerably increased. Over the same period, a diversification of livelihoods of fisherfolk households has taken place, and many household members, particularly women, are now working part-time as unskilled agricultural labourers or construction workers. In recent years, through the efforts of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the marine wing of the Fisheries Department of Orissa and the initiative of other government departments, many women self-help groups (SHGs) and cooperatives have been formed and training has been provided to their members in the field of fish processing an d marketing. Only a minority of the SHGs and cooperatives in Maharashtra and Orissa though, which have been formed in fishing communities, have so far been linked to financial institutions and there is a severe lack of rural fish storage and processing infrastructure and facilities. The findings of the studies suggest that through actively promoting self-help groups and cooperatives among women in coastal fishing communities and through linking these associations with financial insti tutions, investment and working capital needs of their members can be met. To make the best use of capital inputs, SHGs and their federations need vocational and enterprise development training from NGOs and from fisheries training and research institutions as well as assistance for establishing links to new market outlets for their products, both domestically and for export. The state-level workshops in Orissa and Maharashtra made specific recommendations as to what kind of assistance i s needed so that poverty in coastal fishing communities can be reduced and livelihoods improved and diversified through micro-enterprise development and microfinance and training support.
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    Report of the Tonga National Workshop on Special Management Areas: Lessons Learned, Vava’u, Tonga, 30 April–2 May 2019 / Lipooti ki he Fakataha Fakafonua ki he Feitu’u Pule’i Makehe: Ngaahi Lesoni Kuo Tau Ako, Vava’u, Tonga, 30 ‘o ‘Epeleli – 2 ‘o Me 2019 2020
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    The national workshop provided an important platform for representatives from coastal fishing communities and other key stakeholders to share lessons learned and discuss ways to strengthen Tonga’s Special Management Areas (SMAs) programme. This workshop specifically aimed to improve awareness on SMAs, clarify best measures to improve community management, compliance and enforcement procedures, and to develop a wider network of support to the programme. This document provides a summary of proceedings of the workshop that was held on 30 April to 2 May 2019. Ko e fakataha fakafonua ko eni, na’e hoko ia ko ha fakataha mahu’inga ma’ae kau fakafofonga ‘o e ngaahi kolo ‘oku tu’u ‘i he matafanga mo e ngaahi kupu kehekehe, ‘i hono fakahoko ha ngaahi fevahevahe’aki ‘o e taukei mo ha ngaahi lesoni ke tau ako ke tokoni ki hono fakalakalaka ‘a e polokalama Feitu’u Pule’i Makehe ‘a Tonga. Ko e ngaahi taumu’a ‘o e fakataha ni, ke fakalahi ‘a e ‘ilo ki he polokalama Feitu’u Pule’i Makehe, fakapapau’i ha ngaahi founga ke toe lelei ange hono pule’i fakakolo ‘a e toutai, fakalelei’i ‘a e ngaahi founga ngaue ki hono fakamamafa’i mo fakahoko ‘o e lao, pehe ki hono toe langa’i e ngaahi fetokoni’aki mo e ngaahi fengaue’aki ‘a e ngaahi kupu kehekehe ki he polokalama Feitu’u Pule’i Makehe. ‘Oku ‘oatu ‘a e tohi ni ‘a e ngaahi fakaikiiki ‘o e fakataha ni, ‘a ia na’e fakahoko ‘i he ‘aho 30 ‘o ‘Epeleli ki he ‘aho 2 ‘o Me 2019.
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    Regional workshop on the rehabilitation of fisheries and aquaculture in coastal communities of tsunami affected countries in Asia 2005
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    This is the final report of the Regional Workshop on Rehabilitation of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Coastal Communities of Tsunami Affected Countries in Asia held in Bangkok, Thailand from 28 February to 1 March 2005. It was organized by CONSRN – a consortium of regional fisheries/aquaculture bodies formed in the aftermath of the 26 December 2004 tsunami to restore the shattered livelihoods of communities in tsunami affected countries. The objectives of the workshop were to build an agreed strat egic framework and draft programme based on country inputs and advice from non-governmental organizations and donors. The meeting was attended by 53 participants from six of the tsunami affected countries (India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand), CONSRN participants, donor agencies and non-governmental organizations. Major topics discussed were: introduction to the workshop and regional strategic framework; country priorities for rehabilitation; vision and guiding principles for rehabilitation activities; rehabilitation strategies; aligning donors/agencies/countries to strategies and recommendations.

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