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Organic Agriculture, Environment and Food Security

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    Book (series)
    The State of Food and Agriculture, 1998
    Rural non-farm income in developing countries
    This year’s report confirms that, in a long-term perspective, the poorest nations’ populations have become increasingly poor and food-insecure, pointing out that this unacceptable trend has continued in recent years. The country policy reviews suggest that the promotion of rapid, equitable and broad-based growth remains a difficult challenge. However, growth and equity, far from being horns of a dilemma, are equally essential elements of a sound development strategy. Their achievement requires a genuine commitment to alleviating poverty and addressing social needs, and we must welcome all efforts that are being made in this direction by many countries, especially those in Africa. At the same time, in most countries growth-cum-equity can only be achieved by following a strong, rural-oriented development strategy involving large investments in rural infrastructure, human capital and social services. Rural development and poverty alleviation are central issues of this year’s special chapter, entitled “Rural non-farm income in developing countries”.
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    Monitoring food security in countries with conflict situations: A joint FAO/WFP update for the United Nations Security Council (July 2016)
    Food Security Updates: July 2016
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    This document is a collection of briefs on countries in which food security has been affected by conflict and other crises. Here is an overview of some key numbers: people in conflict affected states are up to three times more likely to be undernourished than those who are living in more stable developing countries. The most recent projections suggest that approximately half of the global poor now live in states characterized by conflict and violence. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) have a strong interest, and a potentially important role to play, in supporting transitions towards peace.

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