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Kyrgyz Republic: FAO Country Programming Framework in Kyrgyz Republic 2015-2017

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    Evaluation of FAO’s contribution to the Kyrgyz Republic. Management response
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    The evaluation was very timely as the report provided a snapshot of current and historical activities prior to initiating the country programme framework (CPF) for 2018-2022. The comments and recommendations will be useful inputs to the new CPF. The evaluation reviewed much of the work the country office has been undertaking over the last several years and reinforced the continuation of priorities. It highlighted the office strengths as well as areas that could use improvement. As the country ha s only had one CPF (2010-2015, revised/updated in 2015-2017), the independent outside consultants provided objective and constructive comments to help the new CPF be more strategic. They also noted for a small country office with limited human resources, the CPF needs to consider an appropriate scale and scope so that it’s manageable. The conclusions pointed to the broad role FAO has played as a committed partner to the government and within the United Nations system as well as the challenge of entering new and more relevant areas of work including poverty alleviation and women’s empowerment. Furthermore many of the initiatives undertaken in the Kyrgyz Republic have been appreciated and effective. Still, improvements in monitoring, evaluation and data collection would help understand results better as well as assign attribution.
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    Carbon sequestration through climate investments in forests and rangelands in the Kyrgyz Republic (CS-FOR) 2023
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    FAO/GCF "Carbon Sequestration through climate investment in forests and rangelands in the Kyrgyz Republic (CS-FOR)" project was approved at the 24th meeting of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board on 14 November 2019 in Songdo, South Korea. The project agreement between FAO, in its capacity as Accredited Entity of the Green Climate Fund, and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic was countersigned on 4 March 2022 in Bishkek and ratified by the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) Resolution № 233-VII dated 27 April 2022 and was declared effective by the GCF Secretariat on 25 October 2022. The Kyrgyz Republic’s updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement commits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15.97 percent by 2030. The goal of the CS-FOR project is to contribute to the development of a low carbon-emission and climate resilient economy, while capitalizing important co-benefits from adaptation and disaster risk reduction. The project will lead to the sequestration of 19.8 million tCO2eq in 20 years. These reductions represent 7.6 percent of the country’s total emissions, and 22.6 percent of the agricultural share of emissions. The objective of the project is to increase carbon sequestration through supporting climate investments in forests and rangelands and through reducing drivers of degradation and emissions via institutional support, participatory ecosystem-based sustainable management of natural resources and green growth investments.
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    Oman: FAO Country Programming Framework for the Sultanate of Oman. Light CPF (2013-2015) 2014
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    The Country Programming Framework (CPF) is a framework for agreed priorities in the co-operation between the Sultanate of Oman and FAO. It is a planning tool for FAO to prioritize, guide and manage its assistance at the country level in a comprehensive and structured manner. It is anticipated that this framework shall remain relevant until the closure of 2015, however being a living document it can be updated whenever warranted as a result of implementation and/or emergence of pressing issues. T his document contains a set of priority areas and activities for FAO’s assistance in support of the attainment of Oman’s agriculture, fisheries, natural resources and rural development policy related objectives including food and nutrition security, gender and capacity development. The CPF is jointly owned and led by the Sultanate of Oman through the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MOAF) and FAO. It is therefore framed within and governed by the national medium-term development priorities articulated in Oman Development Strategies and Plans that set out the priority policies and investments of Government for achieving growth, employment and prosperity. In addition, prioritization also benefited from review of the FAO Strategic Framework 2010-2019, World Food Summit Plan of Action 1996, and both the FAO Regional Priorities for the Near East and the Sub-regional Priorities for the GCC and Yemen. The priorities identified for FAO’s intervention and displayed in this document have been jointly formulated by MOAF and FAO through intensive consultations involving almost all Central General Directorates of MOAF, the Batina and Dakhiliya General Directorates of Agriculture and Fisheries, farmers, livestock owners, farmers associations and private traders. Cross-sector participation has also been secured with the involvement of the Supreme Planning Council, Ministries for Environment, Health and Trade, Scientific Research Council, Oman Development Bank and the Agriculture and Fishery Development Fund.

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