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BookletNiche Partnerships - A Guide to the Coaching Process 2019This Coaching Process guide was prepared under the project Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS), a global partnership (Agrinatura, FAO and eight pilot countries) that aims to strengthen the capacity of countries and key stakeholders to innovate in complex agricultural systems, thereby achieving improved rural livelihoods. CDAIS uses a continuous learning cycle approach to support national agricultural innovation systems in eight countries in Africa, in Asia and Central America. CDAIS brings together key partners and actors to address commonly identified challenges and opportunities in specific regions or within particular value chains. The identified value chains/Innovation partnerships are supported by trained national innovation facilitators (NIFs) through a coaching process. This guide serves as a resource for them and for other project stakeholders, as well as for other capacity development experts to i) to support the agricultural innovation niche partnerships in implementing their action plans designed based on understanding the actor’s needs (CNA), ii) to reflect on the achievements and the changes and, ii) to adjust the plans accordingly.
Book (stand-alone)Guide for strengthening functional capacities in agricultural innovation 2024
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The purpose of this guide is to contribute to the development of functional capabilities among individuals and organizations that support innovation in Latin America. The guide uses the common framework for capacity development promoted by the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) to identify and strengthen key functional capacities in organizations and individuals. According to the common framework, strengthening functional capabilities allows actors to reflect and learn, collaborate, navigate complexity, and participate in political strategies and processes. Furthermore, it allows us to focus on the future and not only on solving current problems. -
BookletOrganising a marketplace - A practical guide 2019These guidelines are produced by FAO as part of the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems Project (CDAIS). The objective of this document is provide practical guidelines to implement marketplace events to strengthen agricultural innovation. A marketplace is an event organized to facilitate matching of demand and supply and to promote learning, sharing and exchanging of information, knowledge and practical experience on specific topics. In the context of the CDAIS project, the Marketplace proposed aims to broker partnerships for effective capacity development (CD) for agricultural innovation. These guidelines include practical steps to follow and provide suggestions for organizing successful marketpalce events. This guide serves as a resource for facilitators, project managers, other project stakeholders and other capacity development experts to learn how to organize and facilitate marketplace events in similar projects/initiatives.
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