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Good practices on purchasing and operating laboratory equipment

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Good practices on recording training videos for the Global Soil Laboratory Network 2020
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    Established in 2017, in the framework of the Global Soil Partnership’s Pillar 5, the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) facilitates networking and capacity development through cooperation and information sharing between soil laboratories with different levels of expertise. GLOSOLAN main objectives are: • Make soil information across labs, countries and regions comparable, interpretable; • Build a set of agreed harmonization principles; • Improve quality assurance and control (QA/QC) of soil analyses; • Promote information and experience exchange. This short manual was prepared to support the production of training videos that will be recorded at GLOSOLAN member laboratories.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Guide on general and specialized equipment for soils laboratories 1966
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    The soil survey and fertility branch of FAO is often asked to advise on the supply of equipment for the soils laboratories of several members countries with an emphasis on soil chemistry laboratory equipment and chemicals. Given that the basic equipment needs of soils analysts are standard items, little variation in equipment is required to analyse regardless of either soil group or region. Therefore a list of equipment and chemicals required for a soils laboratory has been prepared. However, th is publication is not an attempt to standardize soils laboratory equipment, but rather an effort to assemble standard information in an easily available and usable form.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    First Inter-laboratory comparison report of the Regional Soil Laboratory Network For Asia (SEALNET) 2019
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    The Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) was formally established under the framework of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) in November 2017, when its first meeting took place at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. GLOSOLAN’s objectives are: (1) to strengthen the performance of laboratories through use of standardized methods and protocols, and (2) to harmonize soil analysis methods so that soil information is comparable and interpretable across laboratories, countries and regions. In this context, GLOSOLAN plans to develop open access Standard Operating Procedures and manuals on good laboratory practices, execute regional and global proficiency testing, and increase the overall performance of laboratories through the organization of training sessions. By April 2019, over 220 laboratories from all continents were registered in GLOSOLAN. The South-East Asian Laboratory Network (SEALNET) which corresponds to the Regional Soil Laboratory Networks for the South-East Asian region decided to conduct an independent assessment of the technical performance of SEALNET laboratories through an inter-laboratory comparison. This report presents the results of the analysis using different figures to help laboratory managers and other non-specialist readers to perceive the different aspects of (i) the laboratory performance evaluation, (ii) the way to identify the technical problems in case of poor performances and (iii) suggesting which solutions can be proposed to improve the analytical performances

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