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Sustainable, resilient and innovative agrifood systems: steps towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

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    Renewable energy for agri-food systems: Towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement 2021
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    In 2021, the United Nations Secretary-General will convene the Food Systems Summit to advance dialogue and action towards transforming the way the world produces, consumes and thinks about food guided by the overarching vision of a fairer, more sustainable world. The Secretary-General will also convene the High-Level Dialogue on Energy (HLDE) to promote the implementation of the energy-related goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Given the inextricable linkages between the energy and agriculture sectors, integrating the nexus perspective within the FSS and the HLDE is crucial to formulate a joint vision of actions to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement. In this context, IRENA and FAO have decided to jointly develop a report on the role of renewable energy used in food chain to advance energy and food security as well as climate action towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. While energy has a key enabling role in food system transformation and innovation in agriculture, its current use is unsustainable because of the high dependence on fossil fuels and frequent access to energy in developing countries. The challenge is to disconnect fossil fuel use from food system transformation without hampering food security. The use of renewable energy in food systems offers vast opportunities to address this challenge and help food systems meet their energy needs while advancing rural development while contributing to rural development and climate action.
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    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Unlocking the potential of agricultural innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. 2019
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    Innovation is the process whereby individuals or organizations bring new or existing products, processes or ways of organization into use for the first time in a specific context. Innovation in agriculture cuts across all dimensions of the production cycle along the entire value chain - from crop, forestry, fishery or livestock production to the management of inputs and resources to market access. This book represents the proceedings of the first International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers which FAO organized at its headquarters in Rome, Italy, on 21–23 November 2018. FAO convened the symposium to provide inspiration for innovation actors and decision makers to unlock the potential of innovation to drive socio economic growth, ensure food and nutrition security, alleviate poverty, improve resilience to changing environments and thereby achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. It was attended by 540 participants, including 286 delegates from 92 member countries. The proceedings provide a record of the main highlights of the symposium, including the opening plenary session; high-level ministerial segment; innovation fair, with 20 success stories of agricultural innovation; and six highly interactive parallel sessions and two special events dedicated to youth and to chefs and family farmers. During these different sessions, participants shared their experiences, knowledge and examples of agricultural innovation in different sectors; they also discussed the drivers and key factors contributing to success, as well as the main constraints for agricultural innovation.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Guidance on core indicators for agrifood systems – Measuring the private sector’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals 2021
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    The publication "Guidance on core indicators for agrifood systems – Measuring the private sector’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals" aims to provide practical information on how food and agriculture companies’ contribution to the SDGs can be measured in a consistent manner and in alignment with countries’ needs relating to monitoring the attainment of Agenda 2030. The indicators are further intended to serve as a tool to assist governments in:
    • improving private sector’s accountability mechanisms and assessing their contribution to SDG implementation, in particular on key transformative actions needed to achieve the SDGs;
    • setting standards and policies for corporate sustainability reporting, establishing national private sector reporting mechanisms, and enabling the reporting on SDG Indicator 12.6.1 (Number of companies publishing sustainability reports); and
    • potentially reusing the data reported by private entities to improve SDG monitoring at the national level.
    Available in a user-friendly format, the guidance begins with a quick guide that provides a brief overview of the indicators, the audience, scope, and data collection. It is followed by methodological guidance, which provides in-depth detail on the methodology behind each indicator and useful resources for capturing, measuring, and reporting on data for each indicator. Finally, in the annexes, there is a mapping of how the indicators align with various standards and guidance.

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