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Document2015 ISSF Stock Assessment Workshop “Characterising uncertainty in stock assessment and management advice” 2015
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No results found.This Workshop was convened by the Intertiol Seafood Sustaibility Foundation (ISSF) to review progress made recently by tu Regiol Fishery Magement Organizations (tRFMOs: CCSBT, IATTC, ICCAT, IOTC and WCPFC) towards the formal adoption of harvest strategies for the magement of the stocks under their jurisdiction, with a special focus on the treatment of uncertainty and the estimation of risk. This progress involves improved data collection, adoption of target and limit reference points, and alyses of the performance of altertive harvest control rules through magement strategy evaluations. This report summarizes what the tRFMOs have adopted and also highlights related work that supports the RFMO processes. The workshop concluded that good progress is being made overall, especially through the processes of dialogue between scientists and magers that have been initiated in ICCAT, IOTC and WCPFC. The report also makes recommendations for furthering these efforts. -
MeetingReport of the 2012 ISSF Stock Assessment Workshop: Understanding Purse Seine CPUE 2013
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MeetingBase document for the development of a multiple-tier system for stock-assessment-based advice in IOTC 2015
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