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The High Level Panel of Experts On Food Security and Nutrition Report on Sustainable Forestry for Food Security and Nutrition. Twenty-seventh Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission

Colombo Sri Lanka, 23-27 October 2017

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    Extract from the Report on sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition.Summary and recommendations
    Annex to the Twenty-seventh Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission, ‘Forestry in a new landscape’
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    In October 2014, at its 41st session, the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) requested the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) to prepare a study on sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition (FSN) to inform the debates at the 44th CFS Plenary Session of October 2017. The key issue here is the multiple contributions of forests and trees to FSN2 in its four dimensions and how they can be optimized, at different spatial and temporal scales, in a context of increasing and competing dem ands on land, forests and trees (including for wood, food, energy and ecosystem services), as well as of climate change. This report is an evidence-based, comprehensive analysis of the diverse, direct and indirect, contributions of forests and trees to FSN. Chapter 1 examines the linkages between forests and FSN and proposes, for the purpose of this report, a conceptual framework and a forest typology grounded on management criteria. Chapter 2 provides an in-depth analysis of the channels throug h which forests and trees contribute to FSN. Chapter 3 reviews the state of the world’s forests and identifies challenges and opportunities for forestry in relation to FSN. Chapter 4 is solution-oriented and discusses how to optimize the contributions of forests and trees to FSN in a sustainable manner.
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    Sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security. June 2017 2017
    In October 2014, at its 41st session, the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) requested the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) to prepare a study on sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition (FSN) to inform the debates at the 44th CFS Plenary Session of October 2017. The key issue here is the multiple contributions of forests and trees to FSN1 in its four dimensions and how they can be optimized, at different spatial and temporal scales, in a context of increasing and competing dem ands on land, forests and trees (including for wood, food, energy and ecosystem services), as well as of climate change. This report is an evidence-based, comprehensive analysis of the diverse, direct and indirect, contributions of forests and trees to FSN. Chapter 1 examines the linkages between forests and FSN and proposes, for the purpose of this report, a conceptual framework and a forest typology grounded on management criteria. Chapter 2 provides an in-depth analysis of the channels throu gh which forests and trees contribute to FSN. Chapter 3 reviews the state of the world’s forests and identifies challenges and opportunities for forestry in relation to FSN. Chapter 4 is solution-oriented and discusses how to optimize the contributions of forests and trees to FSN in a sustainable manner.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the Twenty-seventh Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission
    Colombo, Sri Lanka 24-27 October 2017
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    This publication reports the proceedings of the twenty-sixth session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 23 to 27 October 2017. The main themes considered were: Forestry in a new landscape; Guidelines for using forest concessions to manage public forests; Regional Strategy and Action Plan for forest and landscape restoration; Forests and climate change: Progress since Paris, financing climate; State of Forestry in Asia and the Pacific; Progress in Implementing APFC- and FAO-Supported Activities in the Region; Trees in Urban Landscapes; Asia-Pacific Forest Sector Outlook Study; An Asia-Pacific Strategy for Implementing the Global Plan of Action on Forest Genetic Resources; New landscapes for community forestry; Forest Resources Assessment 2020 and Efforts for Reducing Reporting Burden by Streamlining International Forest-related Reporting; and Outcome of Global Policy Processes of Relevance for The Regional Forestry. The main recommendations are included in the report.

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