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COFO23 Side event -Forest and Landscape Restoration regional initiatives: toward the regionalization of the Bonn Challenge

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    Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands 2015
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    Drylands cover nearly half of the earth’s land surface and are home to one-third of the global population. They face extraordinary challenges, including those posed by desertification, biodiversity loss, poverty, food insecurity and climate change. Up to 20 percent of the world’s drylands are degraded, and people living there are often locked into a vicious circle of poverty, unsustainable practices and environmental degradation. It is clear that serious efforts are needed to arrest dryland degr adation and restore degraded lands, and the simple but urgent aim of these guidelines is to support such efforts It is the first time that global guidelines on dryland restoration are made available. These guidelines target two main groups – policymakers and other decision-makers, and practitioners – because both have the power to bring about positive change. While they should be tailored to suit regional and local contexts, they present the essential components for the design, implementation an d sustainability of restoration initiatives that can help build ecological and social resilience and generate benefits for local livelihoods. As illustrated by the rich case studies provided, the guidelines involve a vast range of actions, from on-the-ground activities such as habitat protection, assisted natural regeneration, sand-dune stabilization and planting, to policy improvements, provision of financial incentives, capacity development, and continuous monitoring and learning. Moreover, th ey show that restoration needs to be considered across the entire market value chain, from seed to end-product, as well as at the landscape level, including the mosaic of land uses, needs and expectations of interest groups.
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    (Leaflet) The Fifth Mediterranean Forest Week 2016
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    this MFW will be an approach to restoration which requires coordination between sectors intended to promote productive multifunctional territories characterised by an optimal balance negotiated with local actors in terms of supply of economic, social and environmental benefits. This internationally-recognized vision for Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) allows the promotion of synergies between the three Rio conventions and can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The main issue, which will be discussed during the 5th MFW, is therefore the following: how can efforts on restoration of forests and Mediterranean landscapes help reaching the global targets, such as the Bonn challenge, the 15th Aichi Target of the CBD, the UNCCD target on land degradation neutrality, the Paris Agreement on climate and the decisions that will be taken during the UNFCCC COP 22 in Marrakech and SDG 15, related to these issues? The 5th MFW will aim at promoting the topic of restoration o n a Mediterranean scale, at federating around forests various ongoing initiatives related to the Rio conventions, and at concretizing those initiatives through an agenda of ambitious field actions and by collectively mobilizing technical and financial partners from countries surrounding the Mediterranean.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Side event: “Towards a regional Strategy and an Action Plan on Forest and Landscape Restoration for the Asia-Pacific region” 2016
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    During the last APFW, a high-level session was organized on regional initiatives on Forest and Landscape Restoration with the idea to initiate a discussion on the preparation of a regional Action Plan. During this session, most country representatives recognized the importance of FLR issues and proposed to to continue the dialogue on this regional Action Plan at the upcoming COFO session. At the APFC session on FLR (item 12), held on Friday 26/02/2016, member States recommended to FAO to sup port the preparation of this regionally-shared vision and Action Plan on Forest and Landscape Restoration. Based on this recommendation, the FLRM team and the RAP in Bangkok decided to hire an international consultant to prepare a draft strategy and an action plan for further discussion during COFO at a side event proposed jointly by FAO and key regional partners such as APF Net and WRI. By building on current regional dynamics on Forest and Landscape Restoration in the Asia-Pacific region, th is side event will allow to present the draft strategy and action plan on FLR to member State representatives in order to move forward an ambitious regional initiative on FLR (See below the detailed Agenda).

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