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Book (series)Allocated zones for aquaculture - A guide for the establishment of coastal zones dedicated to aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea 2019
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No results found.This guide is a collection of concepts and practical information aimed at facilitating the establishment of allocated zones for aquaculture (AZAs) in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. It provides detailed information on the process involved in the establishment of an AZA and it is intended as a practical and comprehensive tool to better understand site selection and planning for aquaculture. This publication first provides a brief overview of the international and regional context, and reviews the institutional and legal framework related to AZAs at various levels. Sequential explanations on the AZA establishment process as well as suggestions for the main steps are then presented. The step-by-step approach for the establishment of AZAs takes into account a number of specific aspects, such as geographic information system tools, exclusion criteria and stakeholder participation, the main actors to be involved, the role of relevant authorities in charge of geographical and/or marine aquaculture planning, statutory responsibilities, prevention and resolution of possible conflicts, and decision-making. The guide also describes the objectives and contents of AZA management plans and presents the parameters to be used as reference points for the AZA implementation. It is addressed to decision-makers from relevant bodies and administrations, governmental and non-governmental organizations, scientific research institutions, aquaculture producers and fishing communities, as well as other relevant stakeholders involved in aquaculture activities, coastal development, and in the use of the aquatic environment and resources. -
ProjectReport of the Workshop on standardization of fish age determination based on Otolith samples in the MedSudMed Project Area. - MedSudMed Technical Documents 9
Mazara del Vallo, Italy, 13 – 17 December 2004
2005Also available in:
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Book (series)Feasibility assessment for a database on socio-economic indicators for Mediterranean fisheries. 2001This pilot study on the construction of socio-economic indicators was initiated by the Sub-Committee on Social Science, Scientific Advisory Committee, of the GFCM. It was carried out in collaboration with FAO/FIPP and COPEMED. The study focussed on a particular GFCM management unit, the Alboran Sea, in the hope that results would be applicable to other GFCM management units and the Mediterranean as a whole. Although the research team encountered difficulties in terms of non-availability of cert ain data and delays in the development of sampling schedules, the study was useful in demonstrating the possibilities of developing indicators and of their application for building an understandting of main socio-economic trends within a Mediterranean fisheries management unit.
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