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Building Sustainable Tropical Fruit Value Chains Globally - GCP/GLO/022/GER

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    Building Sustainable Tropical Fruit Value Chains Globally (Ex-Ante Update) - GCP/GLO/022/GER 2022
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    The tropical fruit sector is very important in many developing countries, as it provides incomes and jobs for hundreds of thousands of farmers and other workers, contributing to the enhancement of livelihoods and food security. Despite its importance, the sector faces significant challenges with respect to sustainability and resilience, which have been exacerbated by the COVID 19 pandemic. The pandemic’s impacts have been stronger and more profound than on most other agricultural industries due to the perishability of tropical fruits, their comparatively higher prices and their heavy reliance on labour . This project was formulated to mitigate these issues by fostering the development of more sustainable, resilient and responsible tropical fruit value chains though multi stakeholder engagement that targets the private sector.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    The opportunities for multistakeholder initiatives to support sustainability in the tropical fruit sector
    Technical brief, no. 6
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    This brief highlights the potential of multistakeholder initiatives to benefit producers and companies by fostering sustainability and resilience within tropical fruit value chains. The tropical fruit sector faces many risks, including pests and diseases becoming resistant to phytosanitary products, hazardous labour practices, deforestation, and vulnerability to external shocks, such as climate change and economic downturns. These risks are too complex for individual actors to effectively address them in isolation. Multistakeholder initiatives can contribute to sustainable development, resilience and improved business performance.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Building responsible global value chains for sustainable tropical fruits
    Action Report, May 2023
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    The FAO led project “Building responsible global value chains for the sustainable production and trade of tropical fruits” (GCP/GLO/022/GER) works with businesses, farmer organizations and other actors in the avocado and pineapple value chains. Our goal is to improve business performance by helping these two value chains be more sustainable and more resilient. The Action Report series provide periodic updates of the project’s activities. This report was published in May 2023

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