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    Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture 2014-2018 2013
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    Agriculture is one of the most disaster affected sectors. Agricultural production and livelihoods, particularly of the majority of smallholder farmers in Cambodia are recurrently affected by a variety of natural hazards. Smallholder farmers in Cambodia are particularly vulnerable to natural hazard impacts since (i) their hazard exposure is high (ii) the common pattern that there is only one rice crop per year, most often planted under rain fed conditions, and (iii) the fact that the per hectare agricultural production, particularly of rice, is significantly lower than in other South East Asian countries. The high hazard exposure coupled with low production levels threatens livelihood security of thousands of smallholder farmers in the country, particularly during and after the emergency period.
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    Highlights from 2014–2018 food balances statistics 2021
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    FAO's Statistics Division compiles Food Balance Sheet (FBS) statistics for 181 countries. For the first time since 2011, SUA (Supply and Utilization account) data are also published on FAOSTAT. This analytical brief provides the main highlights from the data.

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