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No Thumbnail AvailableProjectBrackishwater Fisheries Research Station (BFRS): Design, phase 2
Assistance to the Second Agricultural Research Project, Bangladesh
1987Also available in:
No results found.a) This report provides the final description of the design of the BFRS; and completes part 2 of the consultants assignment to the project. (b) A design is provided for the site selected at Paikgacha, Khulna district, comprising layouts of ponds, laboratory, administrative and service facilities, specifications for facilities, services, and installed equipment, and details of significant engineering requirements for successful development. In addition, a budget costing is provided for contract guidance and assisting in allocation of funds. A timetable of development is also included, defining the critical points in the completion of the project. (c) A draft tender notification is provided for local consultant engineers, together with terms of reference and a schedule of work, and a design/supervision timetable. (d) The main points to note are: The site is suitable for the requirements defined in the research programme, and meets the site selection criteria well. Additional si te area is required for provision of fill material for main walls, as the site is relatively low-lying. Final layouts may be affected by detailed results of soil bearing tests and of freshwater availability. Timing of development is particularly critical: unless clear and decisive executive control is exercised, it will be difficult to complete significant construction work within the 1986/87 dry season. The accompanying figure demonstrates the critical points in the early development of the project. At present (1986) price levels, the project development is estimated to cost around 100110% of specifically allocated funds. This cannot necessarily be guaranteed if long delays occur. As presently specified, the design fulfills the requirements of the main defined research objectives in a reasonably efficient and cost-effective manner. Project costs can be reduced, but only at the cost of compromising some of these objectives. -
No Thumbnail AvailableProjectSite selection for the Brackishwater Fisheries Research Station (BFRS)
Assistance to the Second Agricultural Research Project, Bangladesh
1986Also available in:
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No Thumbnail AvailableProjectFeasibility study on the relocation of Naduruloulou Aquaculture Research Station, Fiji 1998
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No results found.The designations employed and the presentations of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal or constitutional status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries
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