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Mountain women of the world – Challenges, resilience and collective power

FAO. 2022. Mountain women of the world – Challenges, resilience and collective power. Rome. 

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    Mountain women of the world
    Shaping change for the common good
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    This booklet is published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, together with the Feminist Hiking Collective – a non-profit organization and transnational hub for feminist hikers, and a member of the Mountain Partnership. It builds on the challenges and opportunities identified in the 2022 study Mountain women of the world: Challenges, resilience and collective power on life for women in mountain areas in a post-COVID-19 world. Based on in-depth interviews with 313 mountain women in Argentina, Chile, Italy, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the United Republic of Tanzania, this booklet focuses on mountain women’s own insights on resilience, as well as on their ideas for the pathway forward and actions that are needed to support their collective work. The booklet draws on their testimonies and highlights their stories of change, transformation and solidarity. A contribution to the Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions 2023-2027, this booklet aims to ensure that the voices of mountain women are heard and considered in implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, specifically its Sustainable Development Goal 5 on ensuring gender equality.
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    Promoting Livelihoods Recovery and Resilience through Youth and Women-Led Resilient Value Chain Development and Entrepreneurship in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - TCP/STV/3803 2024
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    On 9 April 2021, the La Soufrière volcano in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines erupted with several explosions over a period of several weeks, affecting most of the island's population. Farmers and local communities in the critical areas (red and orange zones) were severely affected by the heavy ash fall and pyroclastic flows, particularly in the areas closest to the volcano in the northern part of the island. In addition to major losses of tools and productive assets, reports showed extensive environmental damage and losses in critical areas, where forests and farms were wiped out, along with the destruction of large areas of staple crops such as vegetables, bananas and plantains. In addition, the eruptions were followed by heavy rains that caused flooding and lahar flows in various parts of the country. As a result, the livelihoods of vulnerable populations dependent on agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry were affected. The heavy deposits of volcanic ash throughout the country highlighted the need for soil and ash analysis to determine changes in nutrient composition, organic matter content, macro and micro fauna and pathogen profile, and to assess agro-edaphic and climatic suitability for existing and alternative crops. In response to the recovery and rehabilitation needs, the government prepared a priority list of immediate, medium and long-term responses. Within the priority list, two areas were identified: i) soil analysis, to determine soil rehabilitation, management requirements and value chain suitability determination by agroecological zone; ii) building a cadre of new entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector, including youth and women, and developing resilient value chains. In this context, this TCP aimed to facilitate the recovery of livelihoods and increase the resilience of food systems through the involvement of youth and women in the development of resilient value chains and entrepreneurship, by strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture to conduct soil analysis and developing a programme to support new agricultural entrepreneurs.
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    Women’s access to rural finance: challenges and opportunities 2019
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    This technical paper aims to provide a review of the main demand- and supply-side constraints linked to women’s access to rural and agricultural finance, to then present the key strategies which can be adopted to address these challenges, while displaying examples of good practices and providing core policy recommendations to promote women’s financial inclusion.

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