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Year of publication 2015
Place of publication Rome, Italy ;
Pages 147 p.
Author de Graaf, G.J. ; Nunoo, F. ; Ofori Danson, P. ; Wiafe, G. ; Lamptey, E. ; Bannerman, P.
Publisher FAO ;
Product type Book (stand-alone)
ISBN 978-92-5-108188-4
Series title FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular
Series number No. 1091 - C1091
Edition 1
Synopsis (short abstract) The primary objective of the course is to illustrate sampling methods for improving routine data collection, which can provide the desired precision of estimates at the lowest possible cost and yet possess a higher degree of accuracy. The design techniques are based on international standards, illustrated with the collection of fisheries statistics and analysis from the region. The specific objectives are: (i) to introduce basic concepts of the importance of fisheries information; (ii) to introd uce international standards and concepts in fisheries data collection; (iii) to introduce the basic concepts of sampling and design of routine fisheries data collection schemes; (iv) to introduce basic concepts of statistical data analyses; (v) to introduce basic concepts of data storage and dissemination; and (vi) to provide practical issues and examples relevant to fisheries statistics and data collection.
Cite this content as:
de Graaf, G.J., Nunoo, F., Ofori Danson, P., Wiafe, G., Lamptey, E. & Bannerman , P.
International training course in fisheries statistics and data collection
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular. No. C1091. Rome, FAO. 2014. 164pp.
Language English
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