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Report of the Expert Workshop on local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply and feeding management, Abbassa, Egypt, 3–5 December 2023

FAO. 2024. Report of the Expert Workshop on local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply and feeding management, Abbassa, Egypt, 3–5 December 2023. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report, No. 1438. Rome.

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    FAO Aquaculture Newsletter (FAN) is issued three times a year in the form of printed newsletter by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. It presents articles and views from the FAO aquaculture programme and highlights various aspects of aquaculture as seen from the perspective of both headquarters and the field programme. Articles are contributed by FAO staff from within and outside the Department, from FAO regional offices and field projects, by FAO consultants and, occasionally, by inv itation from other sources. FAN is distributed free of charge to all FAO member countries and has a current circulation of about 1 500 copies. It is also available online at:
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    Impact of rising feed ingredient prices on aquafeeds and aquaculture production 2009
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    The present technical paper investigates and evaluates the underlying reasons for the recent dramatic rise in prices of many of the commodities (e.g., soybean, corn, fishmeal, fish oil, rice and wheat) used in aquafeed production and its consequences for the aquafeed industry, and in particular, on demand and expectations from aquaculture in securing current and future fish supplies with particular reference to Asia and Europe. This technical paper also discusses issues related to avai lability of and access to land and water resources, and the impact of other sectors, using these resources, on the direction of aquaculture both in terms of species produced and the production systems. In the light of probable increase in competition for land and water in many aquaculture producing countries in Asia, there will inevitably be increasing pressure to intensify aquaculture productivity through the use of more commercial feeds than farm-made feeds. Due to the increasing p rices of ingredients, aquafeed prices, especially the prices of compound aquafeeds, may increase further and a shortfall in the local supplies will compel importation of aquafeeds. Of the ingredients, fishmeal and fish oil are highly favoured for aquafeeds and aquafeed production is under increasing pressure due to limited supplies and increasing price of fishmeal and fish oil. Considering these factors, this review also outlines initiatives that are searching for substitutes for fishm eal and fish oil so as to position the industry to meet the challenge of securing aquafeed for sustaining aquaculture. A brief overview of coping strategies to strengthen national capacity to address the issue of aquafeed supply and to mitigate rising prices of aquafeed ingredient is given. These strategies include policies, research and private sector and farmers’ initiatives.

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