Bottom-up solutions to promote conservation agriculture in Cambodia | FAO; MAFF; CASIC; | |
dc.coverage.spatial | Cambodia | | | 2022 | | | 2022-11-21T10:42:57.0000000Z | |
dc.description.abstract | This policy brief presents the results of a multistakeholder policy dialogue process led by the Cambodia Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Intensification Consortium (CASIC) with technical support from FAO's Office of Innovation (OIN) in the framework of the EU-funded TAP-AIS project. A series of policy dialogue events, organized from April through September 2022, brought together local and national stakeholders, including farmers and their organizations, private sector businesses, government officials, NGOs, development partners and more, to discuss key issues and potential solutions to promote the expansion of conservation agriculture in Cambodia. Conservation agriculture is an agroecological approach to farming that reduces land degradation and improves yields over time and thus has the potential to decrease poverty and improve long-term environmental and social sustainability of farming systems. This brief provides background information on the development and local experiences with conservation agriculture in Cambodia, outlines major obstacles to the expansion of conservation agriculture and concludes with a list of actionable, bottom-up recommendations to promote conservation agriculture in Cambodia. | |
dc.format.numberofpages | 14 p. | |
dc.identifier.isbn | 978-92-5-137106-0 | |
dc.identifier.url | | |
dc.language.iso | English | |
dc.publisher | FAO ; | |
dc.rights.copyright | FAO | |
dc.title | Bottom-up solutions to promote conservation agriculture in Cambodia | |
dc.title.subtitle | Results from a multistakeholder policy dialogue process | |
dc.type | Policy brief | |
fao.altmetricbadge | No | |
fao.citation | <div class="ExternalClass08E379CAAE3644AF8967208668A5C528"><p><span style="background-color:#f8f8f8;">FAO, MAFF and CASIC</span>. 2022. <em>Bottom-up solutions to promote conservation agriculture in Cambodia – Results from a multistakeholder policy dialogue process.</em> Rome, FAO.<br></p></div> | |
fao.contentcategory | Technical | |
fao.fourbetters | A Better Production; Amélioration de la production; Una mejor producción; улучшение производства; 更好生产; إنتاج أفضل | |
fao.fourbetters | Better Environment; Amélioration de l'environnement; Un mejor medio ambiente; улучшение состояния окружающей среды; 更好环境; بيئة أفضل | |
fao.fourbetters | A Better Life; Amélioration des conditions de vie; Una vida mejor; улучшение качества жизни; 更好的生活; حياة أفضل | |
fao.identifier.doi | | |
fao.identifier.jobnumber | CC2698EN | |
fao.identifier.uri | | |
fao.placeofpublication | Rome, Italy ; | |
fao.sdgs | 01. End poverty in all its forms everywhere | |
fao.sdgs | "02. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture" | |
fao.sdgs | "08. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent worlk for all" | |
fao.sdgs | 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns | |
fao.sdgs | 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts | |
fao.sdgs | "15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | farming systems | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | conservation agriculture | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | farm equipment | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | agricultural extension systems | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | stakeholders | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | collaboration | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | Cambodia | |
fao.visibilitytype | PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE |
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