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Bottom-up solutions to promote conservation agriculture in Cambodia

Results from a multistakeholder policy dialogue process

FAO, MAFF and CASIC. 2022. Bottom-up solutions to promote conservation agriculture in Cambodia – Results from a multistakeholder policy dialogue process. Rome, FAO.

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    The publication is based on a survey of expert opinion and examination of case studies of nutrition-sensitive agriculture in Cambodia. From the analysis of this information, ten common themes have been established that provide an understanding of the common elements of various projects and approaches to nutrition-sensitive agriculture for Cambodia. Agriculture is nutrition-sensitive when it addresses the underlying causes of malnutrition. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture is an approach that seeks to ensure the production of a variety of affordable, nutritious, culturally appropriate and safe foods, in adequate quantity and quality, to meet the dietary requirements of populations in a sustainable manner. The recognition that addressing nutrition requires taking action at all stages of the food chain - from production, processing and retail to consumption – has led to a broader focus which encompasses the entire food system. The ten themes that follow were identi!ed by experts in the !elds of agriculture, nutrition and development as critical aspects of nutrition-sensitive agriculture in Cambodia. The themes re"ect the common elements of nutrition-sensitive agriculture, drawn from experience over many years and across many agencies. The themes help us to understand the unifying principals guiding nutritionsensitive agriculture in Cambodia.

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