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Cross-border coordination of livestock movements and sharing of natural resources to strengthen the resilience of pastoralist communities in the Greater Karamoja Cluster

Operationalising the humanitarian-development-peace nexus through the promotion of intercommunity coexistence

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    Enhancing the Resilience of Communities in Cross-Border Areas of Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia - GCP/SFE/261/SWI 2019
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    The Horn of Africa is one of the most food-insecure regions in the world, with pastoral and agropastoral communities in the region increasingly vulnerable to growing pressures on natural resources, upon which they depend for survival. Addressing these challenges requires mechanisms and policies that reduce communities’ exposure to these risks. Building their capacities will ensure their long-term sustainability to cope with future disasters. The Partnership Programme between FAO and IGAD was designed to enhance the resilience of communities in cross-border areas of Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, coupled with the strengthening of IGAD’s capacity –particularly the specialized institutions –to effectively lead and facilitate interaction among its member states on policy and investments, thereby fostering the delivery of cross-border resilience.
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    Policy brief
    Enhancing resilience of cross-border communities: the Mandera cluster
    Building resilience: a policy brief series No. 10
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    To enhance the resilience of communities in selected cross-border areas, FAO and IGAD established the Partnership Programme on Drought Resilience. The baseline survey was carried out in what is referred to as the Mandera Cluster, including cross-border sites of Ethiopia (Dolo Ado and Dolo Bay), Kenya (Mandera county) and Somalia (Dolow and Belet Hawa). This brief provides guidance on policy planning for cross-border resilience programming.
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    Book (series)
    Resilience analysis of pastoral and agropastoral communities in South Sudan’s cross-border areas with Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda
    FAO resilience analysis report No. 17 - Analysing resilience for better targeting and action
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    The IGAD member states are situated in a region exposed to recurrent natural shocks, political instability and characterized by internal and cross-border population displacement. Conflict is the root cause of food insecurity in South Sudan where about 6 million people were estimated to be severely food insecure in September 2017. Internal and cross-border displacement prevents households from engaging in typical livelihood activities, inhibits economic growth and disrupts markets and trade routes. Consequently, income-earning opportunities are limited, and the Government’s earnings in United States dollars are very low, which has led to hyperinflation. The European Union funded “Strengthening the Livelihoods Resilience of Pastoral and Agropastoral Communities in South Sudan’s Cross-border Areas with Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda” project that aims to improve governance and conflict prevention to reduce forced displacement and irregular migration in the cross-border areas of South Sudan. In that respect, this baseline study was conducted to benchmark resilience and food security indicators in the intervention areas and to gain a better understanding of the drivers of instability and irregular migration, as well as of the determinants of food security and resilience. The results show that households engaged in crop production and sales and host communities have a higher resilience while the internally displaced person, refugees and households residing in counties characterized by conflict and dwindling economic opportunities are the most exposed to food insecurity. The best way to increase the resilience of all types of livelihoods is to augment the assets held by households while boosting their adaptive capacity, especially by promoting the diversification of income sources and improving education levels. These efforts should target the least resilient populations in the cross border areas.

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