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Book (stand-alone)Learnings of the Third Phase of the Bay of Bengal Programme for Coastal Fisheries Management, 1994-1999 - BOBP/REP/85 2000
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No results found.This report describes and documents the lessons and learnings from the Third Phase of the Bay of Bengal Programme for Coastal Fisheries Management (BOBP) (1994-1999). It was prepared by two consultants, Dr Garry Preston and Dr. Y.S. Yadava, who over a period of three months reviewed BOBP literature (including the work of national consultants who documented the learn ings for each country), visited member countries and project sites, held discussions with national project coordinators and BOBP st aff.The two consultants divided the member countries among themselves for project visits. The report discusses the issues concerning coastal management in the light of the Programme’s objectives and the lessons that emerged. The issues are discussed from the Programme’s standpoint as well as the standpoint of member-countries. The consultants have outlined their conclusions and recommendations. Appendices to the main report include summaries of the lessons from each country prepared by seven national consultants. -
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