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AquaCrop training handbooks: Book II: Running AquaCrop

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    Book (stand-alone)
    AquaCrop training handbooks. Book II: Running AquaCrop. April 2017 2017
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    This handbook is a training tool to learn how to run AquaCrop. AquaCrop is a crop water productivity model developed by the Land and Water Division of FAO to address food security and to assess the effect of environment and management on crop production. AquaCrop simulates yield response to water of herbaceous crops, and is particularly suited to address conditions where water is a key limiting factor in crop production.
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    AquaCrop training handbooks. Book I: Understanding AquaCrop. April 2017 2017
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    AquaCrop is a crop simulation model which describes the interactions between the plant and the soil. FAO developed AquaCrop to address food security and to assess the effect of environment and management on crop production . AquaCrop can be used as a planning tool or to assist in management decisions for both irrigated and rainfed agriculture. AquaCrop is particularly useful:
    • to understand the crop response to environmental changes (educational tool);
    • to compare attainable and actual yields in a field, farm, or a region;
    • to identify constraints limiting crop production and water productivity
    • as a benchmarking tool to develop strategies to maximise water productivity
    • to optimize crop and management practices;
    • to study the effect of climate change on food production over time
    • for policy and for planning purposes.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    AquaCrop update and new features - Version 6.0 2017
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    The document presents the new featrures and updates of AuqaCrop version 6.0. In AquaCrop Version 6.0 (i) some simulation processes are updated and fine-tuned, (ii) an extra field management characteristic is considered, (iii) extra soil characteristics are introduced, (iv) the water thresholds for stomatal closure of some crops in the data base are harmonized, and (v) dry beans were calibrated.

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