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Ergonomic Problems Related to Chain Saws and Brush Saws (Forestry Equipment in Europe). Final Report of Work


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    Chainsaws in Tropical Forests
    FAO/Norway Cooperative Programme. TF/INT 283 (NOR)
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    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Labour Organisation attach great importance to their educational and training activities as a means of transferring knowledge and technology to the developing countries. This training manual has been especially prepared for foresters, loggers, foremen and workers in developing countries. Its aim is to make the use of chainsaws easier, safer and more efficient in the felling, delimbing and cross-cutting of trees.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the FAO/SPC Regional Expert Consultation on Sea Safety in Small Fishing Vessels, Suva, Fiji, 9-13 February 2004 2004
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    In early 2003 FAO undertook a survey on fisheries-related sea safety in the Pacific Islands region. The objective of that work was to consolidate the experience gained by selected countries in safety at sea with a view to improving ongoing and future activities in the region. A major conclusion of the survey was that the majority of loss of life in the Pacific Islands region is associated with small fishing boats which have received the least attention in terms of legislation, construction stan dards, enforcement strategies, regional discussions, training on proper use, and other schemes to improve safety. The report of the survey indicated that many of these issues have facets that involve law, naval architecture, search/rescue, community awareness, maritime administration, fisheries and other fields. FAO and SPC agreed that a meeting attended by motivated people having expertise in these disciplines could have a very positive effect on regional and national sea safety programmes. T he FAO/SPC Regional Expert Consultation on Sea Safety in Small Fishing Vessels held in Suva, Fiji, form 9 to 13 February 2004, was intended to produce this outcome.
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    Book (series)
    Occupational safety and health in forest harvesting and silviculture
    A compendium for practitioners and instructors
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    The present working paper is primarily intended for producer organizations, trade unions, vocational training institutes, extensionists, instructors and relevant public bodies.The document addresses the forest as a work place, safety culture, workplace assessment, accident prevention and management, child labour, gender issues and selected health and safety issues. Reliable statistics on accident and fatality rates in forestry are missing, data available however indicates that forestry is a high-risk occupation. Workplace conditions in forestry are a function of site conditions, climate, weather, terrain and tree characteristics. The fundamentals of accident prevention are reduced hazard exposure and worker safety training. The first is achieved through risk assessments to identify hazards. Workers should be prepared for accidents at all times. Accident analysis is done to identify what occurred, the causes of the accident and how similar accidents might be avoided in future. Child labour is a human-rights issue and relevant to occupational safety and health. Reliable data on child labour in forestry is almost completely absent. Women in forestry can be exposed more often than men to musculoskeletal disorders, respiratory diseases and reproductive disorders due to chemical exposure. Women generally have a working capacity one-third lower than men. Heat stress occurs when the body is unable to dissipate heat to its surroundings. Heat stroke is the most serious health risk posed by heat stress. Risks and hazards associated with NWFPs derive from activities like climbing, cutting with sharp tools, digging and gathering, picking, and long and/or heavy manual transport.

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