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Gender mainstreaming in climate investments in the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector in Europe and Central Asia

Regional resource guide

FAO. 2023. Gender mainstreaming in climate investments in the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector in Europe and Central Asia – Regional resource guide. Budapest. 

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    FAO in Europe and Central Asia 2023 2024
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    FAO’s work globally and in the Europe and Central Asia region is guided by the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031, which articulates the Organization’s vision of a sustainable and food-secure world for all. The Strategic Framework seeks to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through the transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, leaving no one behind. With the Strategic Framework and the four betters as a lens, this report reviews and describes the project and the programme work of the Organization at the regional level and in each of the FAO programme countries of the region. For the Europe and Central Asia region, the year 2023 was marked by the tests of war, conflicts and natural disasters. The year began with the 6 February earthquake in Türkiye and Syria – the most severe to occur in Türkiye in a century – that directly affected an estimated 9.1 million people in the 11 hardest-hit provinces, and caused great loss of life. Additionally, the war in Ukraine continued to disrupt domestic, regional and world food markets and displace great numbers of people. The region also experienced extreme weather events. This report summarizes FAO’s achievements and accomplishments in Europe and Central Asia in 2023, including work to increase social protection, ensure climate action, improve conditions for youth and women and implement solutions based on science, innovation and digitalization. The first section of this report interprets FAO’s work in countries and regionally through the lens of the four betters, while the second summarizes the work completed in each country in 2023 and outlines ongoing efforts.The report captures snapshots of FAO's work in the Europe and Central Asia region. Short entries cover such topics as FAO's work on agrifood systems transformation, the digital and green transformation of agriculture to increase sustainable resilience, land banking and consolidation, the Digital Villages Initiative, Farmer Field Schools, precision agriculture, the One Health approach, fish health management, the One Country One Priority Product initiative, reduction of food loss and waste, women's empowerment and gender equity, youth empowerment, the Hand-in-Hand Initative, food systems controls, climate change action, mainstreaming biodiversity, the regional seed programme, management of agrichemicals, an overview of the fruit and vegetable sector of the Eurasian Economic Union, Agricultural Market Information and strengthening agrifood policy and market developments and resource mobililization.
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    Europe and Central Asia Gender Newsletter, October 2023 – Issue #12 2023
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    Each issue of FAO Europe and Central Asia Gender Newsletter explores and discusses women’s and men’s experiences in agriculture and food security in the region familiarizes the reader with relevant FAO activities and initiatives. In each quarterly issue, the reader meets our real heroes and reads their stories: how communities, especially women from remote villages, strive to achieve a better life and how FAO, together with various partners and governments, stand hand-in-hand with them to achieve effective results. This issue reports on the updates regarding the gendered impacts of the war in Ukraine and gender-responsive earthquake recovery in Türkiye, International Day of Rural Women celebrations in the region, FAO's new resource guide to mainstreaming gender in climate investments, and the UN Food Systems Summit proceedings. The newsletter also includes insightful field stories from Türkiye, Kyrgyzstan, Albania and the Republic of Moldova.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Gender, rural livelihoods and forestry 2017
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    The main purposes of this research are to identify and analyse the role of women and men in the forestry sector in Kosovo, and women’s and men’s ownership and use of forests. The report also aims to analyse the gender issues within the institutional policy and legal framework that governs forest management, in order to provide recommendations on how to mainstream gender in forest policies in Kosovo more effectively. The research forms part of a project entitled, “Support to Implementation of the Forest Policy and Strategy in Kosovo” (GCP/KOS/005/FIN) funded by Finland, which aims to increase the forestry sector’s contribution to the national economy through the sustainable use of forest resources, taking into account multipurpose forestry, and the economic, social and environmental benefits of forests, as well as the sector’s contribution to climate change mitigation. The study demonstrates women’s limited access to decision-making and information compared with men, and women’s pen ding property rights. Furthermore, the high unemployment rate is the main obstacle identified by rural community members, especially women. The report also demonstrates the interests of rural women in improving their skills in the collection, processing and marketing of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). Consequently, the report shows the importance of improving women’s access to information, capacity development and decision-making. It concludes by emphasizing that NWFPs have strong potential fo r reducing food insecurity and poverty in the regions of the study, particularly when both women and men are effectively supported.

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