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MeetingMeeting Minutes. 22nd August 2011, Camara de Comercio de Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Working Group 02. World Banana Forum.
2011Also available in:
Book (series)Report of the Meeting on the Reactivation of the Initiative to Create an Aquaculture Network of the Americas. Guayaquil, Ecuador, 10–12 of June de 2009. / Informe de la Reunión para la Reactivación de la Iniciativa de Creación de una Red de Acuicultura de las Américas. Guayaquil, Ecuador, 10-12 de Junio de 2009. 2010
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No results found.The workshop examined past efforts to develop a regional cooperation mechanism for aquaculture development in the region, the main objective of the meeting being to reactivate an aquaculture cooperation network in the Americas. After agreeing that the network should be an intergovernmental entity, the countries elected Brazil as its initial host, with the mandate to conduct the elaboration of the network statutes and a plan of action for the short and medium terms and with the support of an exec utive secretary. It was established that once the statutes were agreed the network would be formalized with signature of the ministers or their representatives. The delegates of the participating countries subscribed a letter of intent, which ratifies their interest and commitment to establish an intergovernmental cooperation network for aquaculture, open to all the countries of the Americas. The agenda and list of participants are included in the report as Appendixes A and B respectively while Appendix C contains the letter of intention, Letter of Guayaquil. -
MeetingWG03 Labour Rights. Meeting in Guayaquil, Ecuador 18th and 19th August 2011.
Summary of Key Results from Meetings.
2011Also available in:
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