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Forest and Farm Facility: Initiative for climate-resilient landscapes and improved livelihoods 2018 - 2022

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    Forest and Farm Facility - Collective action towards improved livelihoods and climate-resilient landscapes 2019
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    Forest and farm producers are women and men, smallholder families, indigenous people and local communities who have a strong relationship with forested landscapes for their livelihoods. Together, they account for 1.5 billion people globally, make up 80 percent of the world’s farmers and, in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, supply 80 percent of food. FAO will build on phase I of its Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) partnership with the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and IUCN to help producers safeguard climate-resilient landscapes and improve their livelihoods. Phase II will focus on tackling policies that are often at cross purposes with rural realities, sub-optimal economic returns from smallholder value-chains, increasing climate impacts, and weak social and cultural services. It will increase links to complementary programmes, accelerating the programme’s impact in 25 countries, and place special emphasis on gender equality, youth and indigenous peoples.
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    Book (series)
    Mid-term evaluation of the project “Forest and Farm Facility – Climate resilient landscapes and improved livelihoods” – Phase II
    Project code: GCP/GLO/931/MUL
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    The second phase of the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) aims at supporting forest and farm producers and their organizations (FFPOs) to enable climate-resilient landscapes and improved livelihoods, through the approval of small grants for producers organizations, training and exchanges, and the documentation and dissemination of good practices. The mid-term evaluation highlights the uniqueness of the FFF and its potential to influence global forestry narratives and practices, beyond the sum of its achievements in core countries, and recognizes that the FFF is broadening FAO’s corporate narrative and global positioning on forestry and its interface with agriculture, livelihoods and the environment. The FFF is highly relevant to national contexts with its outcomes well-matching national policies, and to FFPOs priorities and needs; it has effectively applied adaptive management from the onset of Phase II; and it has also contributed to strengthened and expanded partnerships among FFPOs and APEX organizations. The programme achieved satisfactory to highly satisfactory progress towards three of its four outcomes with limited resources, demonstrating high levels of cost-effectiveness. The monitoring and learning system is highly organized and well-coordinated around letters of agreement tracking, but it could improve with the inclusion of an internal results-based monitoring and evaluation system to track the evolution of longer-term results beyond the letter of agreement grant cycle. The FFF is responsive to gender in all countries and to indigenous producer organizations, while the strategy to include youth could be improved.

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