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Book (stand-alone)
Book (stand-alone)Market-oriented advisory services in Asia - a review and lessons learned 2011
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No results found.Market liberalization and globalization are changing the agricultural environment at unprecedented speed. The urban population in the region is increasing dramatically, accompanied by higher incomes and changing nutritional diets that create greater demand for high-value products. This is juxtaposed by declining public investment in agricultural development, particularly in extension services. The future for many small farmers is bleak unless they can adapt their farming systems to these changes . Agricultural extension plays a key role in raising productivity by offering technical advice on new technologies, helping farmers to identify problems and opportunities and sharing information. This publication presents the findings of a regional study in Asia on the design and delivery of market-oriented advisory services to farmers and rural entrepreneurs. Examples of 'successful cases' in the region found through Internet searches, field studies and literature review are highlighted. The ex amples, together with the recommendations provided, should provide practical advice to all those who are seeking to help farmers improve their livelihoods by linking farmers to markets, enhancing farm income and ultimately contributing to rural poverty alleviation in Asia.
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