Administrative report of the Technical Consultation on the Precautionary Approach to Capture Fisheries (Including Species Introductions). Lysekil, Sweden, 6-13 June 1995. / Rapport administratif de la Consultation technique sur l'approche précautionneuse appliquée aux pêches (y compris les introductions d'espèces). Lysekil, Suède, 6-13 juin 1995. / Informe administrativo de la Consulta Técnica sobre el Enfoque Precautorio para la Pesca de Captura (incluidas las introducciones de especies). Lysekil, Suecia, 6-13 de junio de 1995
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Book (series)L’approche de précaution appliquée aux pêches de capture et aux introductions d’espèces.
Elaboré par la Consultation technique sur l’approche de précaution appliquée aux pêches de capture
1997Prenant comme point de départ le Principe 15 de la Déclaration de Rio (CNUED, 1992), le document propose une définition de l’approche de précaution appliquée aux pêches, ainsi qu’une analyse de la charge de la preuve. Il contient aussi des directives indiquant comment conduire l’aménagement des pêches et la recherche halieutique, et comment mettre au point et transférer des techniques de pêche dans un contexte où prévaut l’incertitude et qui se veut axé sur une pêche responsable. Des directive s sont aussi fournies concernant les introductions d’espèces, volontaires ou accidentelles (notamment par l’intermédiaire de l’eau de lest et des déversements de sédiments), compte tenu de la difficulté qu’il y a à adopter une approche de précaution dans ce domaine. Les directives s’adressent aux gouvernements, aux autorités responsables, à l’industrie de la pêche, aux organes régionaux d’aménagement des pêches, aux ONG et autres parties intéressées et se proposent: a) de leur faire davantage pr endre conscience des problèmes et b) de leur fournir des indications pratiques quant à la manière d’appliquer ce type de précaution. -
Book (series)Technical Consultation on Improving Information on the Status and Trends of Capture Fisheries / Consultation technique sur l'amélioration de l'information concernant la situation et les tendances des pêches de capture / Consulta técnica sobre la introducción de las mejoras en la información acerca de la situación y las tendencias de la pesca de captura 2002The Technical Consultation on Improving Information on the Status and Trends of Capture Fisheries (Rome, Italy, 25-28 March 2002) considered the issue in terms of general perspectives, the required actions and mechanisms for promotion and implementation, the nature of the instrument to be used and consideration of a proposal for a Strategy. The Technical Consultation expressed the view that the issue of improving information on the status and trends of capture fisheries should have a high priori ty with regard to implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. It agreed that a Strategy is an appropriate instrument to address the issue because it is a document that sets forth objectives, policies, programmes, actions and decisions that define who will do what and why. It felt that a Strategy could be used as a foundation for various policy instruments, and that it clearly establishes an ongoing commitment at national, regional and global levels. The Technical Consultatio n approved a draft Strategy for Improving Information on Status and Trends of Capture Fisheries and requested that this report and the draft Strategy be presented to the Twenty-fifth Session of the Committee on Fisheries. It also recognized that it would be necessary for FAO and FAO Members to elaborate programmes to implement the Strategy and suggested that COFI identify approaches to ensure the effective implementation of this Strategy.
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Report of the Technical Consultation on the Feasibility of Developing Non-Discriminatory Technical Guidelines for Eco-Labelling of Products from Marine Capture Fisheries. Rome, Italy, 21-23 October 1998. / Rapport de la Consultation technique sur la question de savoir s'il est possible d'élaborer des directives techniques non discriminatoires pour l'étiquetage écologique des produits des pêches de capture marines. Rome, Italie, 21-23 octobre 1998. / Informe de la Consulta técnica sobre la viabilidad de elaborar directrices técnicas no discriminatorias para el ecoetiquetado de productos de la pesca de captura marina. Roma, Italia, 21-23 de octubre de 1998. 1999
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No results found.Delegations from 45 Members of the Organization, observers from 3 intergovernmental organizations and 7 international non-governmental organizations met at FAO Headquarters, 21-23 October 1998, to hold the Technical Consultation on the Feasibility of Developing Non-Discriminatory Technical Guidelines for Eco-Labellling of Products from Marine Capture Fisheries. At the end of its meeting it adopted this report. The meeting discussed: Issues related to the feasibility and practicability of develop ing globally applicable, non-discriminatory technical guidelines for eco-labelling of products from marine capture fisheries; possible contents and format of technical guidelines on eco-labelling of products from marine capture fisheries and procedure for the elaboration of technical guidelines. During the analysis and discussions on the subject no agreement was reached regarding the practicability and feasibility of FAO drafting technical guidelines for eco-labelling for marine fisheries produc ts. However, there was consensus that if an agreement was eventually reached on the feasibility of elaborating guidelines for eco-labelling this should be consistent with the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and, in addition, should consider inter alia a number of principles listed in the Report (see paragraph 11). It was stressed that, if so decided by COFI, the development of technical guidelines should take into account and be consistent with on-going related work by other inter-gove rnmental organizations, in particular the World Trade Organization (WTO). It was further mentioned to take into account the work of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the procedures adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission as well as other relevant experiences in the subject. The Technical Consultation agreed that, if COFI decided that FAO should prepare technical guidelines, they should be voluntary and the process of drafting the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fi sheries should be followed.
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