FAO. 2023. The contribution of women in small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in Uganda. Second edition. Rome.
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BookletThe contribution of women in small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in Ghana 2023
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No results found.The Gender Brief is tailored to provide insight into the contributions of women in small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in Ghana. Approximately 90 000 women in Ghana depend on small-scale fisheries for their livelihoods, mostly in the post-harvest sector. Pervasive gender norms limit women’s opportunities and decision-making power at household and community levels, as they face many gender-based constraints in fisheries value chains and they are more vulnerable to intersecting factors such as poverty and gender-based violence. Targeted actions should be undertaken to address gender inequalities and support women’s empowerment in the Ghanaian fisheries sector, including the establishment of gender units at ministerial level, the provision of training and awareness raising to fisheries extension officers and the integration of women’s perspectives and knowledge in fisheries resource management and climate adaptation plans. -
BookletThe contribution of women in small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in Malawi 2023
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No results found.The Gender Brief is tailored to provide insight into the contributions of women in small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in Malawi. Approximately 70 000 women in Malawi depend on small-scale fisheries for their livelihoods, mostly in the post-harvest sector. Pervasive gender norms limit women’s opportunities and decision-making power at household and community levels, as they face many gender-based constraints in fisheries value chains and they are more vulnerable to intersecting factors such as poverty and gender-based violence. Targeted actions should be undertaken to address gender inequalities and support women’s empowerment in the Malawian fisheries sector, including fostering women’s participation into local government agencies, supporting the formalization of women’s groups and organizations working in the fisheries sector and increasing women’s access to gender-responsive financial services and credit schemes. -
BookletThe contribution of women in small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in the United Republic of Tanzania 2023
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No results found.The gender brief is tailored to provide insight into the contributions of women in small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in the United Republic of Tanzania. Approximately 220 000 women in the United Republic of Tanzania depend on small-scale fisheries for their livelihoods, mostly in the post-harvest sector. Pervasive gender norms limit women’s opportunities and decision-making power at household and community levels, as they face many gender-based constraints in fisheries value chains and they are more vulnerable to intersecting factors such as poverty and gender-based violence. Targeted actions should be undertaken to address gender inequalities and support women’s empowerment in the Tanzanian fisheries sector, including developing gender-responsive policies to address climate change and gender-based violence, collecting and sharing standardized gender data, and supporting women’s participation in fisheries associations and governance processes by reducing barriers related to gender norms.
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