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Creating legal space forwater user organizations: transparency, governance and the law

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    Responsible Governance of Land Tenure: an essential factor for the realization of the Right to Food
    Land Tenure Working Paper
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    Land Tenure Working Paper 15. This publication brings to light the existing linkages between land tenure and the realization of the right to food. It points out that responsible governance of land requires the adoption of human rights-based approach in order to develop coherent and long term solutions to improve people’s livelihoods. The document presents the legal implications of the right to food at national level and provides a series of examples on the implementation of human rights principl es and obligations into land tenure systems, policies, and institutional frameworks. Presented as a background document for the Latin America Regional Consultation Meeting for the elaboration of the Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance on Tenure of Land and Natural Resources, it aims to encourage discussion and further analysis on the issues presented.
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    Book (series)
    Integrated coastal management law: Establishing and strengthening national legal frameworks for integrated coastal management
    FAO Legislative Study, no. 93
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    This publication is intended to assist anyone involved in the development or implementation of a legal or institutional framework to promote integrated coastal management (ICM). It includes revised versions of some of the information contained in the 1994 FAO publication "Legal and Institutional Aspects of Integrated Coastal Area Management in National Legislation" and the 1998 FAO Publication "Integrated Coastal Area Management and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries", FAO Guidelines. However t he focus of this publication is on identifying and providing practical guidance on how to deal with typical issues that arise in the development, drafting and implementation of ICM legislation. In doing so it draws upon the experiences of a range of countries throughout the world which are at various stages of developing and implementing legislation to promote ICM.
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    Book (series)
    Legal frameworks and access to common pool resources 2004
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    In recent years, local people and rural communities have assumed increasing prominence in strategies for natural resource management.This paper briefly reviews some of the central legal issues that are associated with this shift. In doing so, its goals are limited. It does not ad dress fundamental questions about when, where and what kind of management works, nor attempt to identify the political, social, economic and environmental ingredient s for success – subjects on which there is a huge, if still inconclusive, literature.

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