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No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Status of Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries in 1995
Proceeding of the Second FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries Shimizu, Japan 23 to 31 January 1995
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No results found.This publication includes forty papers and two abstracts of papers presented at the Second FAO Expert Consultation on Pacific Tuna Fisheries held in Shimizu, Japan, from 23 to 31 January 1995. The topics of the papers include: · reviews of tuna fisheries interactions and their research including methods for their study, · new methods for studying tuna fisheries interactions and examination of their applicability, · case studies on tuna fisheries interactions, · analyses of tuna fisheri es involved in interactions and their management, and · an overview of FAO’s project that co-organized and co-sponsored the Consultation. A supplement of an indexed bibliography of papers on tuna and billfish tagging, which was printed separately, is also included. The objectives of the Consultation were to: · review and integrate the outcome of the studies on tuna fisheries interactions, · summarize the extent of tuna fisheries interactions and unresolved research problems, and · fo rmulate guidelines for research on tuna fisheries interactions. The understanding of tuna fisheries interactions was enhanced significantly by recent studies. However, the Consultation noted that the number of quantified interactions is still small due primarily to difficulties associated with evaluating such interactions. The papers providing supporting information for the conclusions of the Consultation are presented in this publication. Interactions were found to vary in significance depend ing on the biological characteristics of the species involved, the sizes of fish caught, the local and stock-wide rates of exploitation, and the distance among fisheries. In many of the studies presented, the inadequacy of fisheries data was stressed. In addition, the lack of understanding of movements of the fish being studied was noted in several papers. General qualitative guidelines presented in several discussion papers stressed that specifically-designed studies be undertaken to adequately quantify interactions. Well-designed tagging experiments were thought to provide the most reliable information about interactions. Guidelines for the collection of data, biological and ecosystem research, modelling, and alternative methodologies for studying tuna fisheries interactions are also included. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Diversité génétique des ressources halieutiques marines - Impacts possibles de la pêche 1995Le prsent rapport s'attache passer en revue l'impact gntique de la pche sur les ressources halieutiques marines. La mthode la plus couramment utilise jusqu'ici pour mesurer la diversit gntique dans les populations naturelles est l'lectrophorse des protines; les tlostens marins prsentent des niveaux de diversit gntique compris entre 0,0 et 18 % et les invertbrs marins entre 0,4 et 32 %. Les tudes gntiques ont montr que les populations d'espces marines sont moins diffrencies que celles d'espces d 'eau douce, qu'elles connaissent des volutions gntiques au cours du temps, qu'elles peuvent tre modifies localement par la pollution et qu'elles contiennent des espces cryptiques. Les changements gntiques dans les populations se produisent par slection ou drive. Chez les populations naturelles, la pche est la principale cause de mortalit qui s'applique de manire non-alatoire l'gard de l'ge et de la taille des individus. Dans les pcheries de poissons tlostens soumises une exploitation intens e, on observe couramment un dclin de l'ge et/ou de la taille la maturit sexuelle. Une pche slective vis--vis de la taille serait de nature favoriser une maturit prcoce. Toutefois, chez certains poissons, le taux de croissance dpend de la densit et augmente mesure que le stock diminue; des taux de croissance plus rapides conduisent une baisse de l'ge ou de la taille de maturit sexuelle. Il n'est donc pas possible de savoir si les changements constats sont d'ordre gntique ou compensatoire en r ponse la rduction de la densit du stock.
Book (series)Enhancing or restoring the productivity of natural populations of shellfish and other marine invertebrate resources 2003
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No results found.A broad review is provided of factors relevant to enhancing populations of invertebrate resources and methods promoting their recovery by natural recruitment, restocking or habitat restoration. The review focuses on the biological, technical, environmental, economic and biological factors affecting the feasibility of restoring or enhancing productivity of commercially valuable local invertebrate populations. Three categories of enhancement activity are recognized: restoring or enhancing stocks b y conventional management methods, transplanting or seeding, and the use of juveniles produced from collectors in the wild or from hatcheries. Some guidelines are provided on issues related to enhancing recruitment, site selection, experimental closures, ecosystem considerations including predator control, as part of a stock management and enhancement programme. Ownership and co-management issues, and the necessary decisional rules for successful management are discussed, as well as how to recon cile the enhancement programme with other uses of the coastline. Spatial and geographical considerations are addressed, including allocation of areas for enhancement, rotational harvest schemes, use of refugia for protecting juveniles and the spawning stock, and the impact of the use of coastal zones for other human activities.
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