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Training for change

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Training guide on gender and climate change research in agriculture and food security for rural development 2013
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    The guide is an important resource for development professionals and researchers working with households and communities. The objective of the gender and climate training guide is to address the lack of information on how men and women adapt to, and mitigate climate change. The Participatory Action Research methods and activities of the guide help ensure that gender is reflected in research activities and outcomes. The guide will help promote gender-sensitive adaptation and mitigation activities in projects for agriculture and food security. A gender-sensitive approach in agriculture is crucial to ensure that all people are supported to respond to climatic challenges.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    The Mountain Facility 2024
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    Published by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, this fact sheet introduces the Mountain Facility, a global financing mechanism designed to enhance the sustainability and competitiveness of small mountain producers. Mountains, home to 1.1 billion people and strategic natural resources, face escalating pressures from climate change, disasters and biodiversity loss. Recognizing these challenges, the Mountain Facility provides grants tailored to the evolving needs of mountain communities. These grants support sustainable and equitable business activities that strengthen local economies, improve agrobiodiversity value chains, and enhance access to essential services like training and credit. Operational in 14 countries, the Mountain Facility is a flexible mechanism that responds swiftly to emerging challenges, enabling mountain producers to navigate global markets effectively. It aims to promote climate resilience and adaptation, biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource management. To date, the Facility has empowered over 100 beneficiary organizations through grants, technical assistance and capacity building, in collaboration with the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, and other partners. By bolstering institutional capacity and promoting locally relevant policies, the Mountain Facility fosters social and economic well-being in mountain communities while safeguarding fragile mountain ecosystems. It represents a crucial effort within the Mountain Partnership to address global crises and ensure a sustainable future for mountain regions worldwide.
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    Strengthening Capacity Building for the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Management - TCP/RLA/3606 2020
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    The risk of disasters in agriculture is increasing as a resultof the growing exposure of people, their livelihoodsand assets, to extreme natural events and climate change.The unsustainable management of natural resourcesreduces the resilience of food systems even further,creating new risks and directly affecting food security.Countries have requested the support of FAO for disasterrisk reduction and to help combat climate change,understanding that the sustainable management ofresources for agriculture and food security is aprerequisite to guaranteeing the resilience of the sector.The objectives of this project were to establishinstitutional arrangements and mechanisms to fostercooperation between countries on these issues, andenhance capabilities for good practice implementation,geared towards bringing about change based on asustainable template for farming production anddevelopment, as an essential requirement toguaranteeing food security for future generations.In addition, the need to reinforce dialogue on, and actionin, regional and subregional areas was proposed to helppromote coordinated initiatives among different countriesthrough specific tools, such as policy, programme andsystem development. This allowed the project to furthertap into existing funding, including for the monitoringand early warning mechanisms for droughts, animalpest and disease control, disaster risk managementand climate change mitigation, for the sustainablemanagement of resources, especially water.

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