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MeetingHealthy Soils Facility of the Global Soil Partnership. Programme Document 2013
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No results found.The Healthy Soils Facility (generally referred to as the “Facility” in the present programme document) has been formulated in response to a specific request from the Plenary Assembly of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) at its first meeting of June 2013. This Facility is meant to constitute a major “operational arm” of the GSP, and needs to operate in a context of major threats against limited soil resources in all regions and consequent urgent need for countries to take collective and individua l action to reverse worrisome trends. In fact, it should be one of the concrete expressions of the new momentum for action and cooperation on soils, as embodied by the recently launched Partnership. In this light, the Facility is designed to align resource partners (constituting an effective multi-partner platform) willing to join forces in support of the GSP, as it allows both for a cogent approach and full consistency with the GSP objectives. At the same time, it will maintain visibility of, a nd accountability for the underlying approved projects (to be financed either via the multilateral Trust Fund modality when resource partners so wish, or bilateral Trust Fund arrangements). Therefore, resource partners should be able to support those components and activities outlined in this document which correspond most closely to their own strategic and geographical preferences, while having the assurance that their contributions would be part of a global, coherent set of interventions. The intended substantive thrusts of the Facility dovetail with the five Pillars and attendant Plans of Action of the GSP. In effect, its main components are mapped to these Pillars throughout. It fully builds on FAO’s comparative advantages and corresponds most closely to the Organization’s Strategic Objective 2. -
MeetingFirst Plenary Meeting of the European Soil Partnership (ESP). Programme
Ispra, Italy, 21-23 May 2014.
2014Also available in:
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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetThe Story of FIRST Policy Facility in Myanmar, 2016-2022
Lessons Learned for Future Policy Facilitation
2022Also available in:
No results found.Final report from Policy Officer in Myanmar/ Lessons Learned. The EU-FAO FIRST Policy Facility was launched in Myanmar in 2016, initially focusing on land tenure and then adding nutrition as a major emphasis in 2017. This inception phase focused on investing in relationship and trust building, particularly with the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Irrigation’s (MoALI’s) Department of Planning (DOP) which emerged as a convening body across the Ministry. Embedded in DOP, FIRST was well placed to support the Department to bring the various siloed Departments together. FIRST maintained the same lean team of two policy officers and one implementation support specialist since 2017, which ensured continuity and trust building. This was particularly important in a country which had just started opening in 2008 following 60 years of military rule, and where the policy landscape had been and continued to be shaped by “rice bowl” politics, aiming to securing rice self-sufficiency and regaining its regional prowess as largest rice producer in the 1950s. FIRST opened doors for the European Union Delegation to establish a working relationship with MoALI, and set the scene for future budget support. FIRST also operated as the main policy support and policy analysis function for the FAO country office and supported the organization in its various coordination and convening capacities.
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