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Data for decision-making

Measuring and monitoring recovery with sustainable transformation in post-pandemic Latin America and the Caribbean

FAO. 2021. ​Data for decision-making: Measuring and monitoring recovery with sustainable transformation in post-pandemic Latin America and the Caribbean. FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme. Santiago.

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    This action sheet is part of a series of action sheets developed under the seven key priority areas of the FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery programme, the FAO umbrella programme designed to proactively and sustainably address the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. Each action sheet includes a project proposal in support of countries most in need for which FAO is leveraging high-level political, financial and technical expertise. All action sheets are gathered on the Food Coalition web hub,  where members of the Coalition - a multi-stakeholder global alliance for a unified global action in response to COVID-19 -  can easily access the action sheet project-focused information and data as well as the funding gap on the ground, the type of assistance that would be required and decide how they wish to contribute: through voluntary contributions, provision of expert and expertise, innovative solutions and an exchange of knowledge and experience.
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    This action sheet is part of a series of action sheets developed under the seven key priority areas of the FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery programme, the FAO umbrella programme designed to proactively and sustainably address the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. Each action sheet includes a project proposal in support of countries most in need for which FAO is leveraging high-level political, financial and technical expertise. All action sheets are gathered on the Food Coalition web hub,  where members of the Coalition - a multi-stakeholder global alliance for a unified global action in response to COVID-19 -  can easily access the action sheet project-focused information and data as well as the funding gap on the ground, the type of assistance that would be required and decide how they wish to contribute: through voluntary contributions, provision of expert and expertise, innovative solutions and an exchange of knowledge and experience.
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    This action sheet is part of a series of action sheets developed under the seven key priority areas of the FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery programme, the FAO umbrella programme designed to proactively and sustainably address the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. Each action sheet includes a project proposal in support of countries most in need for which FAO is leveraging high-level political, financial and technical expertise. All action sheets are gathered on the Food Coalition web hub,  where members of the Coalition - a multi-stakeholder global alliance for a unified global action in response to COVID-19 -  can easily access the action sheet project-focused information and data as well as the funding gap on the ground, the type of assistance that would be required and decide how they wish to contribute: through voluntary contributions, provision of expert and expertise, innovative solutions and an exchange of knowledge and experience.

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