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    ABNJ DEEP SEA MEETING 2019 - Concept Note 2019
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    Report of the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Deep Sea Meeting 2019, 7–9 May 2019, Rome, Italy 2020
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    The Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Seas Project is funded by the Global Environment Fund and implemented by FAO and the UN Environment Programme. The partnership brings together a broad range of partners, including regional fisheries bodies responsible for the management of deep-sea fisheries, fishing industry partners, and international organizations to achieve sustainable fisheries management and biodiversity conservation of deep-sea living resources in the ABNJ. To showcase existing knowledge, practices and innovative research for sustainable deep-sea fisheries management and biodiversity conservation in the ABNJ, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the SponGES Project consortium, organized a meeting – the ABNJ Deep Sea Meeting 2019 – that took place on 7-9 May 2019, at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. Over 40 participants, including representatives from partner organizations and other stakeholders from multiple sectors within the ABNJ, attended the three-day meeting. While significant progress has been made in the management of deep-sea fisheries and in the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems, the ABNJ still faces threats from climate change, ocean acidification, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Building on the achievements of the Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Sea Projects and the SponGES Project, the participants were invited to give presentations on key topics and discuss emerging issues concerning ABNJ governance and deep-sea research, monitoring and management.
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    Scoping study on economic linkages and options for ecosystem valuation of deep-sea living marine resources and habitats in ABNJ 2017
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    The brief provides a summary of the current state of knowledge and further information needs for valuing deep-sea sponge ground ecosystem services. The scoping study was carried out to ascertain what information and data are available on the economic value of ABNJ ecosystem services, and to assess whether (and how) a quantitative/monetary valuation might be possible. Its objective was to document and critically review current knowledge on deep-sea ecosystem-economic linkages, so as to identify n eeds, niches and options for undertaking a study to assess the economic value of ABNJ deep-sea ecosystem services. While the study considered sponges and sponge grounds alongside other deep-sea species and habitats, it did not focus solely on them.

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