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FAO Country Programme Framework in Georgia 2013 - 2015

Tbilisi, Georgia 2013

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    Georgia: FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) in Georgia 2013-2015 2013
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    This Country Programming Framework (CPF) prioritizes FAO interventions in the country to support the achievement of the development objectives set by the Government of Georgia.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Mid-term achievements under the Country Programme Framework for Georgia 2016−2020 2019
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    Country Programme Framework (CPF) 2016-2020 for Georgia was signed by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA) in 2016. It sets out four government priority areas to guide the FAO partnership and support to the Government of Georgia, bringing together innovative international best practices and global standards with national and regional expertise in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The brochure provides mid-term achievements in the four priority areas: 1: Institutional Development 2: Regional and Sectoral development – Value Chain Development 3: Food Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection 4: Climate Change, Environment and Biodiversity
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    Oman: FAO Country Programming Framework for the Sultanate of Oman. Light CPF (2013-2015) 2014
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    The Country Programming Framework (CPF) is a framework for agreed priorities in the co-operation between the Sultanate of Oman and FAO. It is a planning tool for FAO to prioritize, guide and manage its assistance at the country level in a comprehensive and structured manner. It is anticipated that this framework shall remain relevant until the closure of 2015, however being a living document it can be updated whenever warranted as a result of implementation and/or emergence of pressing issues. T his document contains a set of priority areas and activities for FAO’s assistance in support of the attainment of Oman’s agriculture, fisheries, natural resources and rural development policy related objectives including food and nutrition security, gender and capacity development. The CPF is jointly owned and led by the Sultanate of Oman through the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MOAF) and FAO. It is therefore framed within and governed by the national medium-term development priorities articulated in Oman Development Strategies and Plans that set out the priority policies and investments of Government for achieving growth, employment and prosperity. In addition, prioritization also benefited from review of the FAO Strategic Framework 2010-2019, World Food Summit Plan of Action 1996, and both the FAO Regional Priorities for the Near East and the Sub-regional Priorities for the GCC and Yemen. The priorities identified for FAO’s intervention and displayed in this document have been jointly formulated by MOAF and FAO through intensive consultations involving almost all Central General Directorates of MOAF, the Batina and Dakhiliya General Directorates of Agriculture and Fisheries, farmers, livestock owners, farmers associations and private traders. Cross-sector participation has also been secured with the involvement of the Supreme Planning Council, Ministries for Environment, Health and Trade, Scientific Research Council, Oman Development Bank and the Agriculture and Fishery Development Fund.

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