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FAO One Country One Priority Product Newsletter, July 2023 – Issue #3

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    FAO One Country One Priority Product Newsletter, April 2023 – Issue #2 2023
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    This newsletter collates a variety of activities that have taken place under the One Country One Priority Product Initiative (OCOP) from January to April 2023. It describes a period of intensifying marked by the strengthening of international technical partnerships with the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS) and the establishment of an African Regional Organizing Group to coordinate the OCOP country projects led by over 25 FAO Members in the FAO Africa region. The focus of the implementation is on the five OCOP demonstration countries, one in each FAO region. This Newsletter Issue describes how their initial phases of implementation have been coordinated and mutually supportive, and how demonstration countries have been launching their projects to sustainably develop the Special Agricultural Products selected for their country with inception workshops with local stakeholders participating. Communication about the initiative is focusing on these demonstration countries on the OCOP Global website, alongside online, open access training resources that cover each of their Special Agricultural Products as well as several others selected by projects that will soon follow in the demonstration country's footsteps. Finally, a field story about small-scale farming practices for sweet cherries in Uzbekistan, as an illustration of how the sustainable development of the value chain of one product can have positive spillovers that help farmers improve the livelihood from a variety of crops.
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    FAO One Country One Priority Product Newsletter, January 2023 – Issue #1 2023
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    The FAO One Country One Priority Product newsletter shares the latest and most relevant activities and initiatives on a bimonthly basis. This issues focuses on the recent Global Initiative launch, a field story from Malawi and the ongoing activities on the project implementation, communication and partner opportunities.
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    FAO One Country One Priority Product Newsletter, October 2023 – Issue #4 2023
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    This newsletter collates a variety of activities that have taken place under the One Country One Priority Product Initiative (OCOP) from July to September 2023. This includes launching event of implementation of country projects in FAO the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region and Latin America and Caribbean region, updates on meetings of Regional Organizing Group for OCOP initiative in different regions, and other OCOP related initiatives in Bangladesh, Uzbekistan and Chaina. Finally, there is a field story about the potential of date palms sector in Egypt.

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