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Layihə FAO-Türkiyə Tərəfdaşlıq Proqramı çərçivəsində Türkiyə Hökuməti tərəfindən maliyyələşib

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Capacity Development Support to Rural Women on the Socio-economic and Gender Aspects of Sustaianbel Rural Development 2016
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    This project, started in 2014 under the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme, was developed to improve services for rural women by enhancing the capacity of institutions and of agricultural extension and rural advisory services staff in Turkey and Azerbaijan. The project’s ultimate objective was to promote rural women’s socio-economic integration and enhance their income generation skills, by increasing rural women’s capacity and improving the design and delivery of gendersensitive agricultural exte nsion and rural advisory services. The project put the utmost emphasis on enhancing rural women’s knowledge and skills in agricultural production and related activities. It also emphasized the development of tools and methods to help design demand-focused programmes that effectively respond to the needs of farmers, especially women farmers. In addition, good practices and experiences of the Rural Women Services Unit of the Department of Training, Extension and Publication of the MFAL were shared . In the long term, it is expected that through more effective targeting, delivery of services and better impact assessment, public extension and rural advisory services will be able to reach rural women more efficiently. Rural women will improve their knowledge, skills and capacities in agricultural production and economic diversification, which will lead to socio-economic development, including rural income generation and improved household food security and livelihoods. The project also contr ibuted to FAO’s efforts in rural poverty reduction, as well as its support for innovation in service provision
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    Book (stand-alone)
    A training of trainers manual to develop capacities in gender sensitive rural advisory services 2017
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    This manual provides guidance for organizing and facilitating training of trainers in gender-sensitive rural advisory services design and delivery. It has been developed as part of the FAO project “Capacity Development Support to Rural Women on the Socio-economic and Gender Aspects of Sustainable Rural Development”, which was implemented in Turkey and Azerbaijan, in 2014-16. The project was realized under the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme and financed by the Government of Turkey. The manual is based on the pilot trainings carried out in Turkey and Azerbaijan and is intended to help meet the needs for training guidelines specifically designed for strengthening the gender sensitivity of rural advisory services. The guidelines are developed to be applied not just to one country situation, but for easy adaptation and use in strengthening advisory services globally. The manual content is organized into three main sections. Section 1 introduces the manual, section 2 provides detailed g uidelines for all stages of a workshop design and preparation and section 3 is a step by step programme for delivery of a four day workshop. A final section of annexes includes sample training materials, sample slide presentations and notes for use in workshop delivery, a glossary of gender related terminology, and useful references and resource material on gender and agriculture.
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    Strengthening the E-Agriculture Environment and Developing Ict-Mediated Agricultural Solutions for Papua New Guinea - TCP/PNG/3605 2020
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    Agriculture is the mainstay of Papua New Guinea's (PNG) rural economy, with 85 percent of its population (of over 8 million) depending on the agriculture sector for their livelihoods. The sector has a great potential to improve national food security, nutrition and income-earning opportunities; create employment; reduce poverty; and enhance socio-economic development. However, attention needs to be directed towards developing appropriate policy, strategies, resources and activities that improve livelihoods and foster rural development. Given both the observed decline in the conventional extension system and emerging global challenges, agricultural development in PNG is becoming more dependent on strengthening linkages between stakeholders and improving access to information and knowledge. Importantly, emerging information and communication technology (ICT) tools and applications offer promising opportunities to promote communication, information sharing and general national development. Many actors in the sector have taken advantage of these opportunities but cannot progress further without favourable guidelines and policy, appropriate infrastructure, funding support and the underlying technical skills. The Government of PNG has expressed a need to improve the research–extension–farmer continuum so that it can both better serve farmers and rural communities involved in agriculture and make relevant information more readily available through an appropriate delivery medium. The availability, accessibility and adaptability (commonly referred to as AAA) of crucial livelihood-related information are essential to sustainable farming. Yet, the existing information gap between agricultural extension efforts, outreach services and farmers has been widely acknowledged as a barrier to sustainable food production. New ICTs provide a way to bridge this information gap

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