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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetInclusion volontaire des ressources phytogénétiques dans le Système multilatéral par des personnes physiques et morales 2024
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No results found.Contracting Parties of the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture agree to take appropriate measures to encourage natural and legal persons within their jurisdiction who hold plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) listed in Annex I to include such PGRFA in the Multilateral System. Contracting Parties are therefore called on by the International Treaty to encourage natural and legal persons in their territories to voluntarily include the PGRFA they hold in the Multilateral System, so as to balance the facilitated access these stakeholders enjoy with a contribution of their crops.This briefing note is part of a wide range of activities by the Secretariat of the International Treaty to support Contracting Parties in these efforts and to provide practical information to the range of possible providers. The Governing Body of the International Treaty, at its Tenth Session in 2023, requested the Secretariat "to make Treaty National Focal Points aware of the briefing note for natural and legal persons interested in including material in the Multilateral System, so that they can use it as a basis to encourage and support natural and legal persons in their respective countries to make material available in the Multilateral System." -
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