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Community-based tourism: a case study from Buhoma, Uganda

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    Reducing risks from forest fire and disasters through a community-based forest fire brigade (MPA), a case study in Danau Sentarum National Park
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The TNBKDS is an exotic ecosystem and has designated as one of the world biospheres reserves. The Park is also inhabited by around 6,000 people. Ecotourism, biodiversity, and cultural value attracts many domestic and international tourists. However, the park has high-risk from forest fire and flooding. During 2014-2019, forest fire in the park is recorded at the average of 206.6 Ha. The lake has also experienced in regular flooding. Reducing these risks should involve community by strengthening their capacity to protect their home. Consultations and SWOT analysis was used to map community capacity and to rank the threat. Opportunities on livelihood improvement is also identified to develop approach and strategy in reducing risks and improving their income. A GIS tool was used to monitor forest fire. A total of 10 MPA were established in 10 villages, involving 300 peoples (300 households). From series of consultations, 100% agreed that community need to involve in combating forest fire and reducing the damage from flooding. FIP-1 provides forest fire equipment, as well as series of training on forest fire, forest monitoring using GPS, alternative income activities such as bee keeping, fish processing, and women empowerment. Establishment of MPA and implementation of forest patrol for the period of 2018-Jun 2021 has directly protected a forest area from forest fire of 11,265 ha and non-forest area of 82,481 ha. Community participation is the key success of reducing risks from forest fire. Training program is also essential to support community capacity in reducing hotspots and to provide alternative income for their sustainable live within the national park. Keywords: forest fire, community, West Kalimantan, climate change ID: 3488239
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    Sustainability performance model through local community participation towards the development of sustainable community-based tourism on nature-based sites in Bicol region, Philippines
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Community-based tourism in the Philippines thrives on natural areas both protected and non-protected. In this regard, the participation of tourism stakeholders and their sustainability performance is essential to determine actions and programs to ensure environmental protection and the provision of long-term benefits. This study evaluated the extent of participation of the local tourism stakeholders in the identified community-based tourism (CBT) sites in Bicol Region, Philippines, and determine its influence on sustainability performance. The sustainability performance indicators were anchored from various international CBT indicators and employed the ASEAN Community-Based Tourism Standard as the baseline criteria. The participants of the study consist of the members of CBT organizations, the Local Government Unit, full-pledged municipal tourism officers, tourism officers-designate, barangay officials, private stakeholders, NGOs, and tourists. This study used a descriptive research method and utilized qualitative and quantitative analysis. Results showed that all factors of the extent of participation relate significantly to the overall sustainability performance but to a varying degree. The analysis of the extent of participation and sustainability performance showed significant differences among each community with moderate association to one another. The significant predictors for sustainability performance were political maturity, cultural richness, and environmental purity. Political maturity registered the highest effect on sustainability performance. It can be concluded that in the context of Bicol Region, government and political support determines success in tourism development alongside cultural and environmental dimensions of tourism sustainability. Therefore, it is recommended to adopt the Sustainability Performance Model for CBT sites in Bicol Region. Keywords: Community-Based Tourism; Sustainability Performance; Community Participation; Nature-Based ID: 3623835
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    Case study: Developing Village Regulations to support community-based Marine Protected Areas in Indonesia
    Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme for South and Southeast Asia.
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    This case study presents an overview of the context, details the RFLP intervention, gives the results, implementation problems, and recommendations and key lessons learned of RFLP supported the supported the development of pilot village regulations in two districts of Nusa Tenggara Timur province, Indonesia in order to provide the foundation for community-based management of local marine resources

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