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ProjectEnhanced Transparency in Agriculture and Land Use Sectors in Papua New Guinea - GCP/PNG/007/CBT 2024
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No results found.As a Non-Annex I party to the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Papua New Guinea submitted its first NDCs in 2016 with the aim of helping to maintain climate change below a global rise of two degrees Celsius. As part of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), the country is committed to certain protocols for measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) to progress toward its NDC targets. Papua New Guinea’s AFOLU MRV systems had significant capacity gaps. To close these gaps, several important barriers needed to be addressed. These included inadequate institutional arrangements to support the transition to ETF, inadequate technological and technical capacities for mitigation-related MRV, and inadequate technological and technical capacities for adaptation-related measurement and reporting (M&R). By addressing these barriers, the project would enable Papua New Guinea to report to UNFCCC under the Paris Agreement’s ETF with strengthened agricultural and land-use sector components and the information necessary to track progress against the priority actions identified in Papua New Guinea’s NDC. -
ProjectEnhancing Rural Livelihoods: Integrating Social Protection and Agriculture for Sustainable Development - FMM/GLO/157/MUL 2024
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No results found.Globally, rural populations, heavily reliant on agriculture for their sustenance, are disproportionately affected by poverty. In order to meet the global poverty reduction and food security objectives of the SDGs, measures addressing their unique constraints are needed to enable them to actively engage in a beneficial process of agricultural growth and rural transformation. Zambia and Timor-Leste, the two target countries, have been grappling with persistent rural poverty, with high proportions of their populations living below the poverty line. COVID-19 exacerbated these challenges by disrupting agricultural markets, limiting mobility and shrinking income opportunities in rural areas. Strengthening coherence between social protection and agricultural interventions is critical not only for responding to the immediate challenges posed by COVID 19 but also for laying the basis for more inclusive economic development and resilience-building pathways in the medium and long term. This requires strengthening the institutional linkages between social protection and agricultural interventions, and the systems and human capacities required to manage these linkages. Against this background, the subprogramme supported the implementation of two programmes that involved the joint delivery of social protection and agriculture support – one in Timor Leste and one in Zambia. -
ProjectEnhancing Sustainable Soil Management in Uganda - GCP/UGA/059/CPR 2024
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No results found.Agriculture is one of Uganda’s most important sectors; about 80 percent of the country’s population lives in rural areas and depends on agriculture for their livelihoods. However, soil fertility is declining at an alarming rate due to unsustainable practices, leading to the degradation of soil properties. This, in turn, gives rise to unsustainable crop production, given that a considerable proportion of soils in the country is highly weathered with the decline of soil organic carbon and low reserves of the macro and micronutrients to support crop growth. The current soil fertility management practices that smallholders use, such as the recycling of crop residues, biomass transfer, and other organic practices, appear to be inadequate to counter the outflow of nutrients. Consequently, a number of case studies have shown that crop yields are declining. Given that the population is increasing, this poses a big challenge for policy-makers to address the declining soil fertility trend in the region. Against this background the project aimed to contribute to the protection of soils and the promotion of the sustainable utilization of soil resources, to enhance agricultural development and promote ecological agriculture in Uganda.
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