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Education for Rural People: Aid Agencies Workshop

Rome, Italy - 12 - 13 December 2002

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Education for Rural People as a component of a Rural Development Strategy for Croatia
    FAO, April 2003
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    The report takes place within the FAO Technical Cooperation Project (TCP) according to the request of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) of Croatia. The project is entitled A Rural Development Strategy for Croatia (RDS) and this document is one input for the strategy that will be defined. As rural development relies on several factors, the project also includes other components besides education. These other components are agro-environment, rural finance and forestry. The objective s of this report are i) to present the findings of an analysis of basic education in rural areas of Croatia and, ii) to recommend measures to improve access and quality of education for rural people, which in turn, will contribute to rural development. Therefore, after a brief presentation of the context and justifications of this report, the document presents the problems found in relation to each level of education and from these, proposes measures to ensure that education in rural areas is contributing to rural development.
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    The MDGs and Sustainable Rural Development in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Implications for Education for Rural People (ERP)
    Ministerial Seminar on Education for Rural People in Africa: Policy Lessons, Options and Priorities - hosted by the Government of Ethiopia - 7–9 September 2005, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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    The vast majority of the human population in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is rural. In order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) a special effort must be devoted to promoting rural development and fostering better living conditions of the rural poor. In this respect, this paper justifies the need for a strong specific focus on rural people and argues that education is the most effective way to empower the rural poor to get out of poverty and to ensure that the MDG targets are met in S SA. The paper provides empirical data on the human development situation and trends for rural peoples of the region, explains the critical roles agriculture, food security and nutrition for the achievement of the MDGs, identifies key potentials and strategic challenges of sustainable agriculture and rural development, and highlights the important contribution of ERP for sustainable rural development and for achieving the MDGs. The ERP key contribution to poverty alleviation was also acknowledged by the African Union Extra-ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government on Employment and Poverty Alleviation in Africa (2004).
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Participatory strategy development for Education for Rural People in Kosovo
    Case Study Series Summary Sheet
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