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Impact of rising feed ingredient prices on aquafeeds and aquaculture production

Rana, K.J.; Siriwardena, S.; Hasan, M.R.Impact of rising feed ingredient prices on aquafeeds and aquaculture production.FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. No. 541. Rome, FAO. 2009. 63p.

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    Use of algae and aquatic macrophytes as feed in small-scale aquaculture - a review 2009
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    This paper presents a global review on the use of aquatic macrophytes as feed for farmed fish, with particular reference to their current and potential use by small-scale farmers. The review is organized under four major divisions of aquatic macrophytes: algae, floating macrophytes, submerged macrophytes and emergent macrophytes. Under floating macrophytes, Azolla, duckweeds and water hyacinths are discussed separately; the remaining floating macrophytes are grouped together and are reviewed as ‘other floating macrophytes’. The review covers aspects concerned with the production and/or cultivation techniques and use of the macrophytes in their fresh and/or processed state as feed for farmed fish. Efficiency of feeding is evaluated by presenting data on growth, food conversion and digestibility of target fish species. Results of laboratory and field trials and on-farm utilization of macrophytes by farmed fish species are presented. The paper provides information on the different process ing methods employed (including composting and fermentation) and results obtained to date with different species throughout the world with particular reference to Asia. Finally, it gives information on the proximate and chemical composition of most commonly occurring macrophytes, their classification and their geographical distribution and environmental requirements.
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    Report of the FAO Expert Workshop on On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture. Manila, the Philippines, 13–15 September 2010. 2010
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    The FAO Expert Workshop on “On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture” was convened in Manila, the Philippines, from 13–15 September 2010. The workshop was attended by a wide range of aquaculture researchers, development specialists and industrial experts from around the world. The workshop was convened by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Aquaculture Service (FIRA) and was hosted by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD) based in Iloilo, the Philippines. The workshop was organized with three objectives: a) to review and analyze the existing knowledge on the application of feed management as a tool for reducing feed costs in aquaculture, b) to identify the major issues and constraints of feed management and those that need to be addressed and c) to prepare a list of recommendations to define/suggest the future course of action, including the preparation of technical manuals/guidelines for dissemination to farmers. The workshop convened both in plenary and in working groups. In the plenary, participants heard technical presentations intended to orient them to the issues and constraints pertaining to on-farm feeding and feed management. These presentations included invited reviews, case studies and synthesis of the case studies. Following several working group deliberations and a general plenary discussion, the participants identified seven primary issues that currently constrain feed use and management in aqua culture, namely: 1) limited access to information on feed and feed ingredients (availability, prices and quality); 2) poor feed preparation, processing, handling and storage at the farm level; 3) inadequate monitoring of feed and farm performances; 4) low impact of current dissemination strategies on improved feeding and feed management; 5) gaps in the understanding of the economic aspects of feed management; 6) health aspects and their implications on feed management; and 7) feed quality – lack of regulatory mechanisms. A comprehensive set of recommendations was developed to overcome the constraints that were identified, and it is anticipated that these recommendations will guide FIRA’s future work in this arena. The workshop proceedings and recommendations, invited reviews, case studies and syntheses will form the basis for an FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper entitled “On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture” which will be published in due course.
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    Book (series)
    Aquaculture development. 5. Use of wild fish as feed in aquaculture 2011
    These technical guidelines on the use of wild fish as feed in aquaculture have been developed to support sections of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) addressing responsible fisheries management (Article 7) and aquaculture development (Article 9) and in particular in support of Articles 9.1.3 , 9.1.4 and 9.4.3. The objective of these guidelines is to assist those concerned to ensure both aquaculture growth and equitable and sustained use of available fish stocks. The guide lines cover a number of issues relevant to the use of wild fish in feeds in aquaculture, ranging from ecosystem and environmental impacts, ethical issues and responsible use of fish as feed, aquaculture technology and development, and statistics and information needs for management. However, issues relating fisheries management are not covered here, as these have been considered within separate sets of guidelines related to fisheries management and there exist several sets of technical guideline s on the sustainable management of fisheries and several continuing initiatives to improve sustainable management of fisheries which inter alia would also apply to feed-fish fisheries.

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