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A Nutrient Powerhouse for Cattle Feed in Southern Ethiopia

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    Innovations developed in Moringa Oleifera (Drumstick tree, horseradish tree) propagation for enhancing nursery income in Tamil Nadu, India 2016
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    This practice describes how Morginga plant can be propagated by air layering to promote vegetative propagation of trees and produce seedlings. Farmers nowadays might prefer propagation of moringa through air-layered cuttings rather than through seed propagation because through vegetative propagation the air layered seedlings represent the characteristics of selected mother trees better. Seeds, if sown in a usual way, do not show the character of mother trees that well. High yielding varieties of selected mother trees can be propagated in a better way using propagation through air-layered cuttings.
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    Moringa oleifera un árbol con enormes potencialidades 1998
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    Moringa oleifera en un cultivo originario del norte de la India, que actualmente abunda en todo el trópico. Este cultivo puede ser propagado por medio de semillas o por reproducción asexual (estacas), aún en suelos pobres; soporta largos períodos de sequía y crece bien en condiciones áridas y semiáridas. El árbol brinda una innumerable cantidad de productos valiosos que las comunidades han aprovechado por muchos años. Dentro de sus características en sistemas agroforestales se tienen: puede crec er como cerca viva o cortina rompevientos, evita la erosión de suelo en zonas de con períodos fuertes de sequía y vientos fuertes, de buena adaptación y buena producción de leña y madera, proporciona sombra poco densa, útil para sistemas de intercultivos.
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    Report of the Regional Workshop on Neglected and Underutilized Species for Zero Hunger: Status, Progress and Way Forward 2018
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    The purpose of the Workshop was to take stock of the work on scoping and prioritization of Future Smart Food (FSF) among NUS for Zero Hunger that has been done, draw lessons from the work done for the Regional TCP on Creating Enabling Environment on Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture (TCP/RAS/3602) under RI-ZHC, and identify the way forward and new work on FSF that can be integrated under RI-ZHC. The major outputs of the Workshop include updated national scoping and prioritizing study on FSF, consolidated national and regional workplans of the Regional TCP and Recommendations prepared by experts collectively. The Recommendations address, among others, enhancing of public awareness and education on FSF and malnutrition and climate change, a need for consolidated national action plans on FSF with strategic and inter-ministerial coordination, FSF value chain pilot studies and development, as well as the call for a broader technical, policy and advocacy support to promote production, marketing and consumption of FSF.

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