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Increased Resilience of Agriculture Sector through Promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices - TCP/MCD/3705

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    Emergency Support to Vulnerable Households to Mitigate the Impact of Drought and Floods on Agriculture - TCP/DRK/3705 2020
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    In August 2018, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea faced one of the most severe heat waves/droughts in decades. Below average rainfall from mid-July until mid-August, normally the wettest months, coupled with high temperatures, resulted in moisture stress during critical crop development stages in localized areas of main crop-producing provinces. The six most affected provinces were North Hamgyong, North Hwanghae, South Hwanghae, South Hamgyong, South Pyongan and Nampo. The situation was further exacerbated by heavy rains in late August 2018, which caused flash flooding in the provinces of north and south Hwanghae. Over 9 000 people were displaced, nearly 1 800 residential buildings were destroyed or damaged, and 11 745 ha of arable land were flooded. With only 22 percent of the total land area of the country arable, an imminent crop failure would have serious consequences on the food security situation in the country. Despite a trend towards slow but steady growth of food production over the past five years (2012-2017), domestic production still falls short of meeting the demand for food by about one million tonnes in cereal equivalent. The erratic performance of the country’s agriculture sector is also caused by the recurrence of extreme weather events (drought and flood) - almost annually, hindering sowing and/or retarding the growth and development of planted crops - difficulties in cultivating the large mountainous terrain, and lack of access to modern production inputs, including fuel, tools and equipment for mechanized farming. In addition to general food insecurity, most people do not consume an adequately diverse diet, which reinforces cycles of undernutrition. The project focused on providing emergency support to mitigate the impact on crop production from the ongoing drought and floods, while also promoting complementary risk prevention and mitigation measures for more resilient farming systems.
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    Assessment of Agricultural Production through NAEZ and LRIMS and Scenario Development - TCP/MCD/3602 2020
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    Agriculture plays an important role in the Republic of North Macedonia, where it is the third largest sector after services and industry Nationally, the agricultural sector contributes ten percent of gross domestic product ( and around 20 percent of employment A significant contribution to GDP is represented by the export of agricultural products, especially value added products such as wine, fruit and vegetables However, the sector has yet to achieve its full potential With the aim of improving agricultural production and increasing adaptive capacity, the Government of North Macedonia requested FAO assistance to improve the country’s agricultural production and monitoring, analysis and land resources information management systems in order to enhance policy making at national level and climate risk reduction and adaptation at local level.
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    Technical Assistance for Grape Phylloxera-Resistant Planting Material Production - TCP/ARM/3601 2020
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    Armenia has a rich history of wine and brandy production. In 2011, archaeologists excavated a 6 000-year-old winery in caves near the village of Areni, indicating that the country’s winemaking tradition dates back millennia. Armenia produced roughly 25 percent of the brandy in the former Soviet Union. During the 1980s, the country processed 200 000 tonnes of grapes for wine and brandy production. When the former Soviet Union collapsed, so did the winemaking industry in Armenia. Production volumes resurged slowly during the late 1990s and the early 2000s, driven mainly by a demand for brandy. In more recent years, wine production has also started to increase, owing to a growing interest in Armenian wines. Despite this interest and the resulting boost to the industry, viticulture in the country faces a serious threat in the form of phylloxera, a soil-borne pest that affects grape-growing regions and has the potential to destroy entire vineyards quickly.

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